
解夢佬 0

1. 求英語主持人開場白和結束語

1:尊敬的各位領導 2:親愛的同志們 合:大家元旦好 1:新年拉近了我們成長的距離 2:新年染紅了我們快樂的生活 1:新年讓我們截取下了四季的片段 2:新年給了我們人生的禪想 1:在這一刻,我們已經感受到了春的氣息 2:今天,我們相聚在這里,享受緣分帶給我們的歡樂,享受這段美好時光 1:今天,我們相聚在這里,一起用心來感受真情,用愛來融化冰雪 2:今天,我們相聚在這里,敞開你的心扉,釋放你的激情 1:今天,我們相聚在這里,這里將成為歡樂的海洋,讓快樂響徹云霄 2:今天,我們歡聚一堂、載歌載舞 1:今天,我們激情滿懷、心潮澎湃 2:今天,我們送去我們的祝福 1:帶著祝愿、帶著囑托 2:埋藏已久的期盼,化做今日相逢的喜悅1.希望大家今天能夠過得開心 2.希望大家能夠過得愉快 1, 送別2008, 燭影婀娜拜金歲, 1,迎接2009,燈光璀璨沐銀輝。

1,夜色掩不住我們的喜悅。 1,燈光唱不盡我們的歡歌。

2, 競賽有題,那是我們追求職業完美的足跡 2, 競賽有戲,那是我們體現工作和諧的凝聚。 2,元旦有歌,那是我們張揚個性才華的魅力。

2,元旦有笑,那是我們祝福新年快樂的話語。 1,同志們,請伸出你那金手銀手溫柔的手,掌聲有請(——)大家帶來的一曲2,掌聲歡迎。

1: Respect fellow leaders 2: Dear comrades Gathering: Everybody New Year's Day is good 1: New year has pulled closer the distance which we grow 2: New year incarnadine our joyful life 1: New year let us intercept has gotten down the four seasons fragment 2: New year gave us the life imperial sacrifices to think 1: In this moment, we already felt spring's breath 2: Today, we gather in here, enjoys the fate to take to our happiness, enjoys this section of lovely times 1: Today, we gather in here, feels the true feelings attentively together, with likes melting the snow and ice 2: Today, we gather in here, opens wide your heart door leaf, releases your fervor 1: Today, we will gather in here, here will become the happy sea, will let resound through the skies joyfully 2: Today, we happily gather in one place, sing and dance 1: Today, our fervor fills with, is choked up with emotions 2: Today, we send to our blessing 1: Brings to wish, to bring to entrust 2: Buries already the long hope, changes to does meets by chance joyfully today 1. hoped that everybody today can cross happily 2. hoped everybody can cross happily 1, sees somebody off 2008, the candle shade beautiful fascinating' winsome worshipping money year old, 1, greets 2009, light radiant mu silvery brilliance. 1st, the dim light of night cannot cover up our joy. 1st, the light sings is endless we the happy song. 2nd, the competition has the topic, that is we pursues the occupation perfect trail 2, the competition is possible, that is we manifests the work harmonious condensation. 2nd, New Year's Day has the song, that is we make widely known the individuality talent the charm. 2nd, New Year's Day has smiles, that is we prays for heavenly blessing Happy New Year the words. 1st, comrades, please stretch out your that Jin Shouyin the hand gentle hand, a tune which the applause invited (- -) everybody brings 2, applause welcome. 希望厄洛斯的答案真的對您有用哦,以上答案由☆譐*^ο^*訫 團隊提供。希望能解決您的問題。

2. 主持人的英語開場白

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man's life is a process of growing up, actually I'm standing here is a growth. If a person's life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that's passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe it's a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.。

3. 求英語主持人開場白和結束語


在新的學期里,我們有許許多多的事情要做,有許許多多的任務要去完成,我們將面臨新的挑戰和新的機遇。我和全體教職員工以最誠摯的心意、用最吉祥的語言祝福你們,也祝福每一位同學,祝同學們美夢成真,學習進步,身體健康! 同學們,新學期的陽光將灑在你們的身上,新學期的春風將吹在你們的臉上,請堅信,我們將和你們同行,因為我們對你們的愛是那麼深沉和執著!” 結束詞: A:今晚對于廣院來說是一個不平靜的夜晚,今晚對于廣院的師生來說是一個不平凡的夜晚,讓我們放聲歌唱,盡情舞蹈,讓我們懷抱夢想,放飛希望. B:今晚我們相聚在這里,一個個熟悉的旋律,詮釋著難忘的經歷.一張張嶄新的面孔,演繹著廣院的美麗.一份份青春與激情,展示著我們廣院人的活力! A:今晚,我們在這里敞開心扉感受快樂.今晚,我們在這里演繹喜悅舞動青春.今晚,我們在這里享受團圓的美好.今晚,我們準備在這里起航! B:所有的07新生,廣院歡迎你!請你們盡情享受廣院的愛與熏陶,讓自己的青春更精彩!廣院也將因你們更自豪!祝愿廣院的事業蒸蒸日上! 給你找了點資料,你自己看著改改吧。

4. 英語晚會主持人臺詞

不用擔心,別緊張.注意調節氣氛,相信你一定行的. 其實不難,兩人主持的話,最好事先練一下配合. 一般開頭跟結尾事先準備一下比較好,中間的過度詞的話即興發揮更好. 開頭的話一般是介紹一下主題,比賽選手和規則 etc:ladies and gentlemen,welcome to this XXX compitition.First of all,I 'd like to introduce my partner :XXX,XXX. This time's competition,we have 52 competitors from different classes and grades。

Now let's come to the rules of the competition.Each competitors has five minutes in the 。.Then three minutes.. Welcome the No.1 competitor 對選手評價: wonderful thank you excellent let's。

形容詞: super上等的, 特大的, 特級的, 十分的, 過分的, 極好的 superb莊重的, 堂堂的, 華麗的, 極好的 marvellous絕妙的;了不起的 sensational使人感動的, 非常好的 gorgeous華麗的, 燦爛的 unique唯一的, 獨特的 有一些作串場的技巧。


當然一定要挑好聽的說了。 在選手下場后一定要說“thank you. /thanks for your excellent performing./ i really enjoy it. /it is wonderful /gorgourse /terrific。”

let's welcome xxx.典型用語。 別忘了開場白和結束語。

別忘了在結束時,說hope you have a nice day/evening. 下面為方案 greeting, good morning/evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,(因為有學生,有老師) welcome to the English Speech contest of xxx school. 介紹評委,I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from。(介紹時,就提高聲調說他們的名字,并用手做出有請的姿勢,評判就站起來.大家鼓掌.) 介紹比賽規則Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. Number one。

結束語等等。I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the (10 說出參賽者的總人數)contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Boys and girls,(轉向聽眾)Let's give them a big round of applause.(為參賽者鼓掌) And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感謝裁判) Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感謝聽眾,自己給自己鼓掌) Good bye! See you next time! 結束語最好是中文而且有古典韻味,畢竟雙語中中文是母語啊: 今夜心情如水,今夜古典如風。

我們聆聽,我們感動,美文雅韻,曲水流觴。 你在江之頭,我在江之尾,我們隔著熒屏對語,我們站在文字里相望。

最遠的距離常常是最近的咫尺,心靈與心靈在閱讀中走近,在文字里相融。 讓我們記住這些美麗的瞬間,有這些瞬間,我們的日子不再平庸; 讓我們記住這些感動的時刻,有這些時刻,我們的生活不再單調。

文學永恒,她可以深刻我們的靈魂;藝術永恒,她可以美麗我們的生活。 感謝所有的朗誦者帶給我們的美妙的藝術享受,感謝心瀾問水帶給我們的美好的作品。

感謝這次活動的組織者,感謝所有在場的聽眾朋友。 (因為不知道你的具體情況,所以只能做到這樣了,希望能用得上!)。

5. 求:annualdinner英文主持開場白(比如:歡迎詞,等等)

Ladies and Gentlemen,It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this annual dinner in honor of my distinguished guests.I would avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all. A remark in THE ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS can best express what i feel now," It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar!"Now i declare the oppening of our annual dinner!先生們,女士們,我為能在此設宴招待各位貴賓而深感榮幸和愉快.我愿借此機會向各位來賓表示熱烈的歡迎.我此時的心情可以用孔子在《論語》中的一句話來表達:“有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?”現在我宣布,晚宴開始.I hope this helps!。

6. 英語主持人的串詞


A: Hi, B, how r u?

B: Fine, thank you and you?

A: Oh, I'm good. And do you know the story of The fox and the tiger?

B: Of course, I was known that when I was very young.

A: Well, and now there is a follow one


A: Do you know another animal else is always mentioned in fables?

B: Is it wolf?

A: Yes! A wild animail can be human's friend but also can hurt us.

B: Then how about this wolf?


A: There is a great matter will be held in China.

B: Oh, yes! The Olympic Games!

A: Right, there are many people want to watch it but for me, I want to join it.

B: Really? Then which sports do you want to join in?

A: en。I'm good at swimming and I'm sure I can get a good mark!

B: Cool, and here is a person like you, he also want to join the Games 2008.


A: Hey, B, do you know what's the famous animal in Chinese mythology?

B: en。I think it should be dragon.

A: Right! And I'm sure you are heard many stories about it by the elders.

B: Of course and dragon is always called mascot, isn't it?

A: Yes, then let we watch the next program, "The four Gragons"


A: B, I think you should become a welfare worker; you have a vocation for helping people.

B: Ya, I think I will when I grow up and everyone should be pleasure in helping others.

A: I think so too.


7. 【急求小學六年級上冊“與詩同行”詩歌朗誦會主持詞.只要開場白和

開頭 合:尊敬的各位老師,各位同學,大家好!甲:伴隨著冬日溫暖的陽光,我們迎來了這一次詩歌朗誦會. 乙:今天,我們相聚在這里,享受詩歌帶給我們的歡樂,享受這段美好時光 丙:今天,我們相聚在這里,一起走進詩情畫意之中 丁:今天,我們相聚在這里,敞開你的心扉,釋放你的激情 戊:今天,我們相聚在這里,這里將成為詩歌的海洋,讓快樂響徹云霄 詩歌是我們古金人類心血的結晶,在這個光環的照耀下,一代一代人茁壯的成長,為了不辜負古人的期待,我們要把詩歌發揚光大,讓我們的后人為我們感到驕傲.下面請聽.結尾 甲:讓我們,聆聽.乙:完美的人生是美與愛編織的,讓我們走進的世界!丙:月光是人憔悴,究竟如何?讓我們拭目以待!丁:如歌的人生,似夢的青春,又會帶給大家怎樣一番滋味 戊:讓大家一起攀上去尋找美麗!甲:回顧今天的點點滴滴,我們快樂!乙:回顧今天的點點滴滴,我們享受!合:讓我們記住今天,在美麗中邁向青春。

8. 求英文的主持詞




演繹美麗的白雪公主和七個精靈的衷腸,【男】請欣賞表演劇:《白雪公主和七個小矮人》 表演者:12班【男】學校是尋夢的開始,如同貪吃的寶寶沐浴著金色的陽光【女】天天在學校知識中追夢。【男】請欣賞表演劇:《金寶寶的一天》baby king's day表演者:13班【女】我們幸福地生活在這美好春光里。





請欣賞歌曲:everything for you 《一切為了你》,表演者:【女】站在大海前,細心看著魚,臺上的你能否明白那個肥皂泡的希望背后有著我多少的期盼和向往。請欣賞表演劇:《漁夫和教授》【男】夢想使我們在痛苦失意后,變得勇敢;【女】而友誼卻使我們在孤獨寂寞后,充滿陽光;【女】愿我們友誼地久天長,【男】請欣賞歌曲《友誼地久天長》電子琴伴奏,表演者7班【女】看!那個背劍傲立的少年,舞動長袖,人影朦朧。

【男】那輪蒼白圓滿的冷月,來去匆匆。他在喊著什麼?狼來了!啊?真的嗎?【女】請欣賞表演劇《狼來了wolf is coming 》表演者:7班【男】如果生命的過程是一條河,不要害怕要勇敢的過,有病就不要怕看醫生。

請欣賞會話表演《看醫生》,表演者:14班【男】我們是青春的花海,擁抱未來;【女】我們是茁壯的綠樹,高舉夢想。【男】五湖四海的朋友啊!,讓我們親如一家,為了同一個夢想, 【女】為了人類共同的,壯麗的事業,【合】永遠執著,永遠努力,永遠拼搏進取!【女】老師們,同學們,朋友們!【男】今天屬于你,今天屬于我,【女】今天的歡歌笑語留在你我的心里。
