
解夢佬 0

1. L跟B開頭的唯美英文句子

Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object.目標有價值,生活才有價值。

Love is the greatest refreshment in life.愛情是生活最好的提神劑。

Life is like a TV with many channels. Hold the remote control firmly in your own hand, and you'll get the best shows. 生活像一臺電視機。你要做的就是把遙控器牢牢掌握在自己手中,這樣才能欣賞到最精彩的節目。

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.愛是棲息在兩個軀體里的一個靈魂。

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.生活就像騎單車,只有不斷前進,才能保持平衡。

Being nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're a fake. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them.能夠善待不太喜歡的人,并不代表你虛偽,而意味著你內心成熟到可以容納這些不喜歡。

2. b開頭的英文句子

Better to do well than to say well. 說得好不如做得好

Better be poor than wicked. 寧可窮不作惡

Better early than late. 寧早勿遲

Better late than never. 遲做總比不做好

Better one-eyed than stone-blind. 獨眼總比全瞎好

Better wit than wealth. 智力勝于財富

Bind the sack before it be full. 做事應適可而止

Better a glorious death than a shameful life. 忍辱貪生不如死得光榮

Blood is thicker than water. 血濃于水

By falling we learn to go safely. 吃一塹,長一智


3. L跟B開頭的唯美英文句子

Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object.目標有價值,生活才有價值。

Love is the greatest refreshment in life.愛情是生活最好的提神劑。Life is like a TV with many channels. Hold the remote control firmly in your own hand, and you'll get the best shows. 生活像一臺電視機。

你要做的就是把遙控器牢牢掌握在自己手中,這樣才能欣賞到最精彩的節目。Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.愛是棲息在兩個軀體里的一個靈魂。

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.生活就像騎單車,只有不斷前進,才能保持平衡。Being nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're a fake. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them.能夠善待不太喜歡的人,并不代表你虛偽,而意味著你內心成熟到可以容納這些不喜歡。

4. 以"b"開頭的詞語50個



















































5. b字開頭的詞語有哪些


bēi bǐ wú chǐ

[釋義] 形容人品德卑下;粗鄙;毫無廉恥。

[語出] 清·李伯元《官場現形記》:“賈某總辦河工;浮開報銷;濫得保舉。到京之后;又復花天酒地;任意招搖;并串通黃某;到處鉆營;卑鄙無恥。”

[正音] 鄙;不能讀作“bì”。

[辨形] 恥;不能寫作“止”。

[近義] 下流至極 厚顏無恥 卑鄙下作

[反義] 正氣凜然 高風亮節 德高望重

[用法] 用于品質惡劣的個人或集團。一般作謂語、定語。

[結構] 聯合式。

6. b開頭的所有中文字

與“ba”相關的漢字 疤 佰 搬 姅 煲 雹 搒 菢 虣 坢 扮 魬 芭 鲃 夿 菝 靶 粑 豝 拌 斒 岜 胈 鈀 褓 齙 孢 湴 絆 癍 舨 鲅 灞 朳 枹 胞 堡 梆 榜 棒 稖 鎊 爆 趵 柈 幫 鼥 茇 蝂 鈑 苞 豹 膀 勹 坂 霸 瘢 壩 吧 飽 綁 頒 擺 扳 弝 刨 掰 攽 瓣 阪 唄 鮑 謗 塝 叭 笆 把 葆 抱 磅 傍 爸 捌 班 伴 暴 浜 扒 罷 稗 魃 跋 包 鴇 八 邦 棓 拜 寶 版 捭 般 褒 柏 白 巴 蚌 報 辦 蒡 敗 保 拔 百 板 半 斑 與“bai”相關的漢字 佰 擺 掰 唄 稗 拜 捭 柏 白 敗 百 與“ban”相關的漢字 搬 姅 搒 坢 魬 扮 拌 斒 湴 絆 梆 榜 棒 癍 舨 稖 鎊 柈 蝂 幫 鈑 膀 坂 瘢 頒 綁 扳 攽 瓣 阪 謗 塝 磅 傍 班 伴 浜 邦 棓 版 般 蚌 辦 蒡 板 半 斑 與“bang”相關的漢字 搒 梆 榜 棒 稖 鎊 幫 膀 綁 謗 塝 磅 傍 浜 邦 棓 蚌 蒡 與“bao”相關的漢字 煲 雹 菢 虣 褓 齙 孢 枹 堡 胞 爆 趵 豹 苞 勹 飽 刨 鮑 抱 葆 暴 鴇 包 寶 褒 與“bei”相關的漢字 骳 糒 陂 倍 褙 椑 倴 偝 鵯 碑 憊 碚 邶 鋇 杯 狽 鞴 被 琲 貝 悲 備 蓓 卑 悖 輩 焙 鐾 北 背 與“ben”相關的漢字 苯 伻 镚 祊 絣 嘣 蹦 菶 琫 甭 笨 甏 坌 泵 繃 奔 錛 崩 畚 迸 本 賁 與“beng”相關的漢字 伻 镚 祊 絣 嘣 蹦 菶 琫 甭 甏 繃 泵 崩 迸 與“bi”相關的漢字 箯 沘 痹 檦 箄 裱 腷 閟 駜 愊 佊 皀 鲾 幣 稨 艑 麃 瀌 熛 幖 辮 藊 煸 貶 觱 鞞 彼 髲 蹕 褾 蛃 幷 洴 穮 鱉 蠙 诐 邲 饆 襞 遍 忭 襣 萹 惼 毖 蓽 鎞 篳 鑌 繽 煏 鉍 馝 鮅 緶 徧 滮 藨 褊 秕 吡 苾 嗶 堛 潷 奰 瘭 辨 芐 珌 栟 鰾 俾 萆 庳 篦 膘 驃 猋 濞 箅 皕 畀 臏 餅 鑣 邠 閉 陛 斃 躄 碥 匾 鳊 扁 鏢 薜 蓖 舭 柲 揙 俵 柄 殯 辯 汳 梐 弊 蹩 丙 窆 籩 檳 豳 愎 狴 賓 稟 髀 髟 裨 儐 摽 邴 彪 標 瀕 并 飆 邊 壁 癟 婢 弼 別 髕 鄙 抃 汴 弁 必 鼻 濱 赑 臂 杓 飚 避 敝 辟 憋 擯 砭 卞 蝙 比 炳 鬢 婊 蔽 鷩 摒 睥 颮 匕 病 骉 彬 庇 昪 鞭 畢 逼 表 斌 璧 冰 嬖 荸 編 偪 便 妣 筆 秉 碧 兵 變 屄 與“bian”相關的漢字 箯 稨 艑 藊 貶 煸 辮 遍 忭 萹 惼 緶 徧 褊 芐 辨 匾 碥 鳊 扁 揙 辯 汳 窆 籩 髟 邊 抃 汴 弁 卞 砭 蝙 昪 鞭 編 便 變 與“biao”相關的漢字 檦 裱 麃 瀌 熛 幖 褾 穮 滮 藨 瘭 膘 鰾 驃 猋 鑣 鏢 俵 摽 彪 標 飆 飚 杓 婊 颮 骉 表 與“bie”相關的漢字 鱉 蹩 癟 別 憋 與“bin”相關的漢字 鞞 蛃 幷 洴 蠙 繽 鑌 栟 餅 臏 邠 柄 殯 丙 檳 豳 賓 稟 儐 邴 瀕 并 髕 濱 擯 炳 鬢 摒 病 彬 斌 冰 秉 兵 與“bing”相關的漢字 鞞 蛃 幷 洴 栟 餅 柄 丙 稟 邴 并 炳 摒 病 冰 秉 兵 與“bo”相關的漢字 瓝 脖 嶓 哱 馞 襮 袯 鲌 馎 玻 踣 播 菠 葧 鵓 浡 鉑 勃 僰 箔 鈸 砵 缽 舶 膊 礴 渤 孛 搏 簸 撥 镈 亳 餑 擘 帛 伯 栢 泊 啵 跛 剝 薄 檗 駁 波 博 與“bu”相關的漢字 峬 蔀 篰 卟 鈽 吥 庯 晡 捕 鵏 钚 簿 哺 餔 補 部 醭 瓿 怖 布 逋 步 卜 埠 不。

7. b開頭的詞語

b B.A. B.A.ED B.A.JOUR BA ba baa baal Baalbek Baalish Baalize Baathist bab baba babassu babbitt babbittry babble babbler babe babel babelicious babelism babelize baber babersia babesiosis babism babka baboo baboon baboonery babul babur baby babyhouse babyism babylon babylonia babylonian babylonish babywear bacca baccara baccate bacchae bacchanal bacchanllia bacchant bacchante bacciferous bacciform baccivorous bacco bach bachelor bachelorette bachelorism bachelorship baciamano bacillar bacillary bacillemia bacillicide bacilliform bacitracin back backbench backbencher backbend backbite backbiter backbiting backblocks backboard backbone backbreaker backcloth backfall backgroud backhaul backhoe backing backland backlash backlog backmost backpaddle backpedal peakproject backsaw backscratching backset backshish backside backsight backslap backslide backpace backstab backstage backstair backstair backtitch backstop backstrapped backstretch backswept backswing backsword backwordman backup backveld backward backwater backwind backwoodsman backyard bacon bacony bact bacteremia bacteria bacterial bacteric bactercide bacteriform bacterin bacteriocin bacterioid bacteriological bacteriolysin bacteriolysis bacterioscopy bacteriostasis bacteriostat bacteriotherapy bacteroid bacteria baculiform baculine bad badderlocks baddish bade badge badly badman abdmash badminton baff baffingspoon baffleplate baffling baffy bag bagasse bagel baggage baggageman baggagemaster bagger baggy bagio bagman bagnio bagpiper bagwig bagworm baignoire bail bailable bauley bailsman bait baize bake bakerkneed bakersfield bakery bakeshop baking baklava baku balance balenceable balanchine balanoid balas balata balaustine balboa balbriggan balconet balconied balcony bald baldachin balderdash baldhead baldheaded baldicoot balding baldish baldpate baldric bale baleful beam bean beard beast beat beef beer beggar behave being belief beloved belt beneath benefit beside bet beyond bicycle billion bind biology bite blade blank blend blood bloom blow blue board boast body bold bomb bond book boot border bore boss bother bounce bound boundary box brain brake branch brand brass bread breadth break breast breed brick bridge brief bright brighten brilliant broad broadcast brow bubble bucket bulb bullet bundle burden bureau butter button by。