
解夢佬 0

1. 愛麗漫游奇境中的優美英文句子


Number 10 spot is given to Eaglet:Alice and many animals and birds along with a Duck, Dodo, Lory and Eaglet swam from a lake that was actually a pool of Alice's tears. While at the shore they were discussing how to get dry. Dodo was talking in business terms about adjourning the meeting and adopting more energetic remedies. To this Eaglet called out this quoted sentence:"Speak English! I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and I don't believe you do either!" -Eaglet 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第九位:愛麗絲在法庭上和紅心女王爭論應該先裁決還是先審判的時候發覺自己恢復到了正常大小,于是就叫了起來:“你不過是一堆撲克牌而已!” Number 9 is a quote from Alice herself。This takes place during the court scene. Alice argues with the Queen of Hearts about the order of a verdict and a sentence, and then Alice realizes that she is her normal size again and does not need to care what the Queen says. This is why she yells out:"You're nothing but a pack of cards!" -Alice 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第八位:公爵夫人在努力回憶起只想不說的寓意是什麼,愛麗絲覺著這事兒沒啥寓意,公爵夫人回答說:“凡事都有寓意,只要你肯去找。”

Number 8 is from the Duchess during the game of croquet after she is released from prison to take part in the game. Alice is quietly thinking about how pepper and other spices affect people。The Duchess is trying to remember what kind of a moral there is in thinking and not speaking. Alice thinks that there is no moral in it. Therefore the Duchess teaches Alice that:"Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it." -The Duchess 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第七位:愛麗絲同假海龜和格里芬講述她這一整天的奇怪經歷,格里芬讓她背《這是懶漢在說話》,一背出來詞兒全不對了,假海龜就說:“哦,我以前從沒聽過這首詩,但是聽上去整個一胡說八道。”

Number 7 is a quote from the Mock Turtle. He, the Gryphon and Alice are at the sea shore. Alice tells them about her adventures of the day and how she was repeating a poem to the Caterpillar and how the words came out all wrong. The Gryphon is very interested and asks Alice to repeat a poem called "'TIS THE VOICE OF THE SLUGGARD"'. Of course the words come out all different again. This is what the Mock Turtle calls it:"Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense." -The Mock Turtle 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第六位:愛麗絲跟隨白兔進了兔子洞,然后發覺這是一條長長的走廊,她聽見白兔說:“我要命的耳朵跟胡子啊,我要遲到了!” At number 6 is a quote from the White Rabbit. Alice follows the White Rabbit into the rabbit hole and finds herself in a long corridor. She sees the White Rabbit hurrying down the passage. Alice sprints after him just in time to hear the White Rabbit say:"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!" -White Rabbit 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第五位:這句話非常著名了,來自殘暴的紅心女王,那句反反復復氣勢洶洶的:“剁掉她的腦袋!” Number 5 place is given to a famous quote from the Queen of Hearts. She uses this expression_r_r quite often in the story. One time is when Alice meets the Queen for the first time. After Alice has introduced herself, the Queen asks her about the three playing card gardeners lying on the ground. But because Alice does not know them and expresses that to the Queen quite casually, the Queen of Hearts gets furious and screams to Alice:"Off with her head!" -Queen of Hearts 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第四位:紅心國王這句臺詞可謂相當糾結,簡直是一句話的廢話連篇,他讓白兔讀信,白兔不知道從哪里開始,國王就命令道:“從開頭開始接下去接著來到最后就停。” At number 4 is a quote from the King of Hearts. This happens at the hearing in court while the King asks the White Rabbit to read a set of verses in a letter, written by the prisoner to somebody. The White Rabbit does not know where to begin。

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." -The King 《愛麗絲夢游仙境》名言第三位:來自瘋帽子先生和三月兔在瘋茶會上的這個謎語也稱得上是令人難忘:“為什麼烏鴉像桌子?”謎底是……他也不知道謎底是啥。On the third spot is quite an odd question by the Mad Hatter。

Alice is at the March Hare's house and the Mad Hatter is there with Dormouse as well. They are having a tea party. The March Hare and Alice get into an argument about Alice's right to join the tea party. Then the Mad Hatter 。

2. 仙境之橋中的英語好句

這是電影中所有人物的介紹 Jess Oliver Aarons Jr. - in the beginning of the novel, is habitually fearful, angry and depressed. He also has a crush on his music teacher, which plays an integral role in the final events of the story. After meeting, and then ultimately losing, Leslie, Jesse is transformed, in that he becomes courageous and lets go of his anger and frustration. Leslie Burke - An intelligent, talented, imaginative, outgoing girl. Her talents include gymnastics, creativity, swimming, writing, and running. Jesse Aarons thinks highly of her, and they are loyal friends. She is not socially accepted by the other students in Jesse's school, to which she is a newcomer. Joyce Ann Aarons - Jess' bratty four-year-old sister. May Belle thinks Joyce Ann is "nothing but a baby." May Belle Aarons - May Belle is one of Jesse's younger sisters. She is described as the only one of Jesse's siblings with whom he feels comfortable. However, because she is six years to Jesse's 10, she does not fit the mold of the ideal confidante to Jesse, leaving him still desperate for companionship. She clearly worships him from the beginning, and like him feels that she does not have a place in the family. She is the first of his sisters to learn about Terabithia, and becomes Queen after Leslie dies.[6] She is the only one Jesse allows to enter his world and the only one who has any sort of empathy for, or acceptance of, Jesse in his family. Ellie & Brenda Aarons - Ellie and Brenda Aarons are Jesse's two older sisters. They primarily exist as secondary static characters, or characters who do not grow or change as a result of the events of a story. They are never mentioned separately within the novel and are never portrayed in a positive light. From the beginning of the story, they continually ask for favors from their mother, and pocket money which she cannot afford to give them. With sufficient whining, they know how to get their way with their parents, such as asking for five dollars to pay for school supplies from their mother by saying that their father promised that they could have the money. Being the elder of the two and the eldest child in the family, Ellie develops their ideas. Both have an incredible desire not to have anything to do with Jesse specifically, but with all of their younger siblings more broadly. At the climax of the story, when Jesse learns of Leslie's death, Brenda is the one who tells him of it. The fact that Brenda is the one who breaks the news to Jesse in the novel only serves to increase the shock. Janice Avery - The school bully at Lark Creek. Janice is very overweight and tends to become very offended when people tease her for being so. She has a crush on Willard Hughes, which Jesse uses to trick her. Janice's father beats her, and she secretly smokes. Miss Edmunds - The somewhat unconventional and controversial music teacher, whom Jesse greatly admires. She invites Jesse to go to the Smithsonian Museum, which leads Leslie to go to Terabithia by herself. As a result, Leslie is alone when she falls from the rope and drowns. Prince Terrien - A puppy that Jesse gave Leslie as a Christmas present. He is the guardian and court jester of Terabithia. Gary Fulcher - He and Jesse both hope to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade. Both are beaten at this by Leslie. Mrs. Myers - Jesse and Leslie's teacher, who is given the nickname "Monster Mouth Myers." She thinks highly of Leslie. Leslie's Parents - Novelists who come to the story's location for purposes of their work. Unlike most of the locals, they do not watch television. 影片的英文介紹 Jesse (a.k.a. Jess) Aarons, the only boy in a family of five children, lives in rural southwest Virginia. His mother favors his sisters Brenda, Ellie, May Belle, and Joyce Ann, while his father works in Washington D.C. and therefore spends little time with his children. May Belle, the second youngest sister, adores Jesse and admires him. Leslie Burke is an only child who moves from Arlington, Virginia, to the same area as Jesse. Her parents, both writers, are wealthy. Jess and Leslie soon become close friends. Jess shares his secret love of drawing with Leslie, and Leslie shares with Jess her love of fantasy stories. With this new friendship, the two children create an imaginary kingdom in the woods near their homes, accessible only by a rope swing over a creek. They create the imaginary kingdom of Terabithia of which they name themselves King and Queen, and they spend every day after school there. In Terabithia, they are able to face their real-world fears, such as that of the eighth grade bully Janice Avery. Leslie gives Jess a drawing pad and a set of watercolors as a 。

3. 《愛麗絲漫游奇境記》中優美句子,中英文





this time do not miss the opportunity, Alice like a gust of wind chasingafter the past. When the mouse heard it, he jumped out of the water,trembling. "It's gone, what a pity!" when the mouse left sight, parrot justsighed, old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter: "Oh, mydear, this is a lesson to tell you never to lose your temper."

4. 求描寫風景的優美英語句子

At the Edge of the SeaThe shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and se a there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and of the relentless drive of life. Each time that I enter it, I gain some new awareness of its beauty and it sdeeper meanings, sensing that intricate fabric of life by which one creature is linked with another, and each with its surroundings.In my thoughts of the shore, one place stands apart for its revelation of exquisite beauty. It is a pool hidden within a cave that one can visit only rarely and briefly when the lowest of the year's low tides fall below it, and perhaps from that very fact it acquires some of its special beauty. Choosing such a tide , I hoped for a glimpse of the pool. The ebb was to fall early in the morning. I knew that if the wind held from the northwest and no interfering swell ran in f rom a distant storm the level of the sea should drop below the entrance to the pool. There had been sudden ominous showers in the night, with rain like handfuls of gravel flung on the roof. When I looked out into the early morning the sky was full of a gray dawn light but the sun had not yet risen. Water and air were pallid. Across the bay the moon was a luminous disc in the western sky, suspended above the dim line of distant shore — the full August moon, drawing the tide to the low, low levels of the threshold of the alien sea world. As I watched, a gull flew by, above the spruces. Its breast was rosy with the light of the unrisen sun. The day was, after all, to be fair.Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained. From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather. The projecting ledge was the path to the small hidden cave and its pool. Occasionally a swell, stronger than the rest, rolled smoothly over the rim and broke in foam against the cliff. But the intervals between such swells were lo ng enough to admit me to the ledge and long enough for a glimpse of that fairy pool, so seldom and so briefly exposed.And so I knelt on the wet carpet of sea moss and looked back into the dark cavern that held the pool in a shallow basin. The floor of the cave was only a fewinches below the roof, and a mirror had been created in which all that grew on the ceiling was reflected in the still water below.Under water that was clear as glass the pool was carpeted with green sponge. Gray patches of sea squirts glistened on the ceiling and colonies of raft coral were a pale apricot color. In the moment when I looked into the cave a little e lfin starfish hung down, suspended by the merest thread, perhaps by only a single tube foot. It reached down to touch its own reflection, so perfectly delineated that there might have been, not one starfish, but two. The beauty of the refle cted images and of the limpid pool itself was the poignant beauty of things that are ephemeral, existing only until the sea should return to fill the little cave.By Rachel Carson在海邊海岸是一個古老的世界。












5. 求《愛麗絲夢游仙境》或者《仙境之橋》的經典語句



From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole.自從掉進兔子洞的那時起

I've been told what I must do and who I muset be.我就被告誡要做這做那。

I've been shurk, stretched, scratched and stufferd into a teapot.莫名其妙地被縮小放大,刮傷手臂,還被塞進茶壺。

I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream.我已經受夠了你們對我身份的指責,這是我的夢境。

I'll decide where it goes from here.從現在起一切由我說了算.

I make the path.我會開出一條路。


One, There's a potion that can make you shrink.

Two, A cake that can make you grow

Three , Aimals can talk.

Four, Cats can disappear.

Five, There is a place called Wonderland.

Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky.













6. 愛麗絲夢游仙境好句子110個(英語)

《愛麗絲夢游仙境》十大經典臺詞中英對照How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?

No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky.

I have little ones to look after!

I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.

There has been some debate about that

I never get involved in politics.

You'd best be on your way.

Well,as you can see,we're still having tea.

And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return.

You're terribly late,you know Naughty!

Well anyway,time to came quite offended has stopped all together.

7. 描寫風景的英語優美句子


A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart 。。 the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly 。。

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene 。