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1. 關于花的英語句子

Most fruit trees flower in the spring.大多數果樹在春天開花。

His genius flowered early.他的天資很早就表現出來。The Love of man? Exotic flower.男人的愛情?奇異的花朵。

I plucked your flower, world!我采了你的花,呵,世界!One flower makes no garland .一朵鮮花做不成花環。What a beautiful gem flower!好一朵美麗的寶石花!That is a beautiful flower.那是一朵美麗的花。

Fear of a beautiful flower.畏懼一朵美麗的花。Could you rake out the flower bed?你可不可以把花床耙一耙?One , bend down and smell a flower.第一,俯下身去,聞一聞花的芬芳。

May Flower Company, may I help you?五月花公司,我能為你服務嗎?Bees help the flower make new seeds.蜜蜂幫助花兒制造新的種子。The hat is woven with flower stalks.那頂帽子是由花莖編織的。

Flower fade and fruit of summer fade.花會凋謝,盛夏的果實會枯萎。The leaf becomes flower when it loves.當愛情來臨時,樹葉變成花朵。

This flower is white.這朵花是白色的。Love is flower , understanding is soil.愛情是鮮花,理解是土壤。

He suffered nobody to touch his flower.他不允許任何人碰他的花。We love a flower.我們愛一朵鮮花。

A flower mantis.一只花螳螂。Next business day flower delivery across the Republic of Ireland .下一個營業日鮮花遞送全國愛爾蘭共和國。

The white lily, the symbol of the resurrection, is the typical Easter flower.而象征著復活的白色百合花是典型的復活節花卉。I have my blessings on the 365 flower buds, they open one day, a beautiful day to bless you.我已經把我的祝福放在365朵花苞中,它們每天開放一朵,每天給你美好的祝福。

The Sydney Garden &Flower Show - This annual horticultural show will educate, impress and amaze.悉尼花園與花表演-這年度園藝的表演將教育,打動并且驚奇。Flower and girl in together tear and the sky in together it rains should we still be together?花與女孩在一起 眼淚與天空在一起 在一起就下雨 我們還要不要在一起?However, the blue roses displayed at the flower expo in Tokyo are the real thing, genuine blue roses.然而,此次在東京花卉博覽會上展示的藍玫瑰是真正的,名副其實的藍玫瑰。

As the flower of life dreams take off as the dominant human dream, everything will restructure itself ahead.當生活之花的夢想成為人類的主導夢想而啟動時,一切都將在前方自我重建。If you love flowers and recognize its role in human relationships , you might want to start your own flower shop .如果您愛花,并承認它的作用在人與人之間的關系,您可能想要開始自己的花店。

Flowers, is the nature of the wizard, they have their own language, this is the Flower, and read their language, it is a happy thing.花,是大自然的精靈,它們都有自己的語言,這就是花語,而去讀出它們的語言,實在是一件快樂的事。Do you feel a lack of something, a flower painting, painting a tree, or painting a blue sky, and then draw some cartoon characters or so.你是否感覺到缺少了什麼,畫上一朵花、畫上一棵樹、或者畫上一片蔚藍的天空、再或者畫上一些卡通人物等等。

2. 關于花的英語句子

Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黃蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你寫字臺上的那些紅玫瑰采之我心的花園。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.


The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.


3. 春天的花中英文優美句子





this time do not miss the opportunity, alice like a gust of wind chasingafter the past. when the mouse heard it, he jumped out of the water,trembling. "it's gone, what a pity!" when the mouse left sight, parrot justsighed, old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter: "oh, mydear, this is a lesson to tell you never to lose your temper."

4. 給我一個關于彼岸花的英語或者英語句子

Outcome, lilies and sand in this world or not China can together 。

.. sometimes, you can see the full bloom of Bana, bright red flowers that just like a prayer for heaven's hand, then warm and pious desperate happiness. This is like fire flowers full of sorrow but burning love, loyalty 。.。

5. 關于雪花的英語句子


The flying snowflakes, like thousands of butterflies at the window glass, in glass by skin to hit, and flying to the side


The crystal snow flowers in my palm, seems to be transparent, slowly, it melts.


Air floating snowflakes, the tiny white feathers, like blown pear flower petals, zero zero and

6. 我想要一些英文的唯美句子,英文+中文

Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.偶爾要回頭看看,否則永遠都在追尋,而不知道自己失去了什麼. Miracles sometimes occur, but you have to work terribly for them.奇跡有時候是會發生的,但是你得為之拼命的努力。
