
解夢佬 0

1. 描寫環境的英語單詞、句子

tidy, beautiful, wonderful, dirty, polluted, clear, appalling, noisy, unclean, filthy, foul, nasty, unpolluted,beautiful; fair; lovely; pretty; comely; angelic; glamorous; beauteous; picturesque


Some wild folwers are very pretty.


A beautiful view greeted us.


The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his expectation.


The scene that red plum blossoms set off by the white snow was very beautiful.


She was very mad about the fine view of the West Lake.


Hangchow is famed for its scenic spots.


The hill adds to the beauty of the scene.


A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.


He enjoyed the fair land scape of his hometown.


This city is flanked on all sides by unspoiled country.


The scene was one of indescribable beauty.


It may offer mountain scenery, the combination of sun and sea, or features that are entirely manmade, like Disneyland in California.


There was no view anywhere, nothing but the oppressive and silent scrub.


From the windows you had a spacious view of the harbour with its crowded traffic.


It was a most beautiful sight.


The garden will look very beautiful when all the plants are in flower.


2. 描寫學校的英語作文7——8個句子

僅供參考:My School

My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. There are three tall buildings in our school. They all have five floors. In the teaching building, the P.E.room is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. The science rooms are on the third floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. The music rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. My class room is on the fifth floor. I am in Class9, Grade 6. There are five gardens in our school. In the gardens there are many beautiful flowers, grass and trees. There is a big playground in my school.

I like my school, because my school is very beautiful.

寫這類作文最好用到There be 句型 最后最好抒發自己對學校的感情,開頭開門見山的好

3. 關于校園保護環境的英語作文

We know, campus is for teachers and students to work, a place of learning, a good campus environment, can give us to feel fresh, beautiful feeling. Our campus although the area is not large, but the green is good, trees, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; outside the classroom, aisle posted at all times and in all countries of the famous quotes. We are trying to create a healthy, harmonious, stimulating environment, so that the students in the good environment by infection and nurtured, in influence character by environment, establish correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, so that everyone in a beautiful, clean, warm environment day by day grow up healthy, do a civilized citizen!【我們知道,校園是老師和同學們工作、學習的場所,優良的校園環境,可以給我們以心曠神怡、美好的感覺。


4. 描寫學校環境的英語作文,簡單,不少于六句話

My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day. The lofty trees, colorful flowers and the charming attract me a lot. When i first went there, i was amazed by its wonderful atmospherem peaceful and warm. Everyday, my teacher teaches me a lot of knowledge from different aspects such as Chinese, Math,and English. It benefits me a lot. And there are my schoolmates. We play together everyday, making plenty of fun. When we meet trouble on study, we always get together in a group. Talking about the quickest way to solve the problem, we strengthen our relationship. We become better friends. At the same time, we practice our minds.很久不答知道上的作文問題了。

還是希望采納吧 畢竟手寫也原創。如果有什麼明顯拼寫錯誤,自動更正下。

語法應該no error。

5. 描述環境優美的英語句子

The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮從云后往下來,星星因倦意而眨眼著。所有的東西現在都進入了睡眠,沒有任何聲音或動作。)

Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes.


6. 描寫校園景色的英語短文(帶翻譯)

our school yard is beautiful with many treen and grasslands. 我們學校很漂亮,有許多樹木和綠地。

The classroom building is five storey high. 教學樓五層高。

Inside it , the entrence hall is spacious. 里面有寬敞的大廳。

In the front of the classroom building lies a square, on which stands a flag pole. 教學樓前有一個廣場,廣場上有一根旗桿。

There is a library behind the classroom buiding. 教學樓后有一座圖書館。

In the library there are tens of thousands of books. 館里有成千上萬本書。

I like our school very much. 我愛我們學校。

7. 關于學校的英語句子求翻譯


We live a very happy life here.


Students from poor families can have study grant.


Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us.