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1. 關于茶英語句子


I should like to have a good tea.


When I drink tea, my glasses mist over.


One import that comes into England is tea.



讀音:英&;專nbsp;[tiː] 美 [ti]

2. 求十條關于茶文化的英語句子

1、This tonic is carefully crafted to enhance your longevity, adaptability, and thrivability!

2、Throughout Asia, Gynostemma teas are consumed as a daily tea by health conscious folks.

3、Gynostemma is known as "Magical Grass" in China. It iscommonly used known as "Magical Grass" in China.

4、With five premier tonic herbs infused with premium grade Gynostemmaleaves, this tea yields one of the most broad spectrum health promoting tonicbrews in the world.


2.在整個亞洲,gynostemma tea 絞股藍茶 被追求健康保健的人們每日飲用

3.在中國 絞股藍 gynostemma 絞股藍 作為一種“神奇草藥”為人所知.通常情況下,人們稱它為 “神奇仙草” (這倆句一個意思啊)

4. 作為世界上面積最大的保健草藥種植園之一,這所茶場使用5種頂級的草藥來提升絞股藍茶葉的品質.

3. 關于茶文化的英語作文

Tea ceremony belongs to oriental culture. Tea ceremony is “To regard tea as precious and gracious drink while drinking tea is a spiritual enjoyment, an art or a means of cultivating the moral character and nourishing the nature.”Tea ceremony is a kind of ceremony to teach people about the law and discipline of rite as well as moral cultivation by means of drinking tea. Mr. Zhuang Wanfang also summarized the basic spirit of Chinese tea ceremony as, “honour, beauty, harmony and respect” and explained, “cultivating morality, being honest and money saving, in order to conduct oneself in society harmoniously and honestly, and to respect and love people.”/question/index?qid=20091129185901AAlh9uH。

4. 關于茶的英語作文

Fighters life suffering is just like a bitter tea steam rising chuai up in my eyes those colorful drinks are one mouthful sweet the cho-shui not one of a kind of can send out forever aromatic I don't understand the tea ceremony I only clear bitter tea taste bitter after GanQingFang embellish is memorable。

5. 關于茶的英文

英文的Black Tea是紅茶 普洱茶是Pu er Tea 鐵觀音 TeiGuanYin Tea 西湖龍井Long Jing Tea 大白豪DaBaiHao Tea 凍頂烏龍Dongding Wulong Tea 牡丹繡球 MuDanXiuQiu Tea

觀音王GuanYin King Tea 御品龍井 top-class Longjing Tea

綠茶是Green Tea

茶葉 Tea Leaves高山茶 High Mountain Tea茉莉花茶 Jasmine Tea

枸杞茶 Wolfberry Tea保健茶 Health Care Tea減肥茶 Diet Tea

參茶 Ginseng Tea熏衣草茶 Lavender Tea烏龍茶 Oolong Tea

薄荷茶 Mint Tea菊花茶 Chrysanthemum Tea冰檸檬茶 Lemon Iced Tea香草茶 Vanilla Tea柑橘茶 Camomile Tea

6. 關于茶文化的英語作文

茶和中國的茶文化(Tea and the Tea Culture of China)

Since I started my major in the tea culture of China, I have been deeply impressed by its sophistication and beauty. I would like to share some fascinating aspects of the tea culture of China.

In a country with the history of five thousand years, the Chinese tea drinking habit dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD). It became a national tradition and led to development of a delicate tea drinking ritual. Over the centuries, poets and artists in China wrote many marvelous masterpieces, in appreciation of tea and Chinese people's constant love of tea drinking .One of the best-known writers is Lu Yu, who was regarded as the “Tea Sage ” for he composed the first book on tea. In his classic book, he detailed his studies of tea, such as the origin of tea, tea tools, tea picking, tea cooking, tea ceremony and well-known areas where tea was grown. And the valuable knowledge he recorded has laid foundation for modern tea culture development.

Based on ways in which tea leaves are processed, there are five distinct types of tea. They are as follow: the green tea, the black tea, the Wulong tea, the compressed tea and the scented tea. Among them, may foreigners are familiar with the green tea. The Longjing tea, of the green type, has a reputation

7. 怎樣寫出優美的英語句子

1. 海量閱讀 ----- 不僅僅是古典名著,更改看當代的各類優秀作品,從著名的演講到高質量英美報刊的文章。




Don'tforget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan't get.Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost thingsin memory.


Menlove from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love isamountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwillsee fewer men.


Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.


Weshall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthenbegin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor howlong it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, butthis kind of waiting is the love itself.