
解夢佬 0

1. 格列佛游記英語優美詞句摘抄

there I studied physic twoyears and seven months, knowing it would be useful in long voyages.

Soon after my return from Leyden, I was recommended by my goodmaster, Mr. Bates, to be surgeon to the Swallow, Captain AbrahamPannel, commander; with whom I continued three years and a half,making a voyage or two into the Levant, and some other parts. WhenI came back I resolved to settle in London; to which Mr. Bates, mymaster, encouraged me, and by him I was recommended to severalpatients. I took part of a small house in the Old Jewry; and beingadvised to alter my condition, I married Mrs. Mary Burton, seconddaughter to Mr. Edmund Burton, hosier, in Newgate-street, with whomI received four hundred pounds for a portion.

But my good master Bates dying in two years after, and I having fewfriends, my business began to fail; for my conscience would notsuffer me to imitate the bad practice of too many among mybrethren. Having therefore consulted with my wife, and some of myacquaintance, I determined to go again to sea. I was surgeonsuccessively in two ships, and made several voyages, for six years,to the East and West Indies, by which I got some addition to myfortune. My hours of leisure I spent in reading the best authors,ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number ofbooks; and when I was ashore, in observing the manners anddispositions of the people, as well as learning their language;wherein I had a great facility, by the strength of my memory.

2. 格列佛游記的優美句子&賞析

格列佛游記 第一卷第一章 我打算起來,卻動彈不得,我仰天躺著,這時才發現胳膊、腿都緊緊地被縛在地上;我的頭發又長又密,也被縛在地上。

幸虧我穿著一件牛皮背心,他們刺不進去。 賞析: 小說一開篇就以構思奇特奠定了全書的基調。



盡管格列佛漫游各國情景各異、遭遇不同,但整部小說的布局、風格前后一致,格列佛每次出海的前因后果都有詳盡的交待,復雜紛繁的情節均按時間、空間順序依次描述,文字簡潔生動,故事性強,所以雅俗共賞。 希望能有幫助。

3. 格列佛游記精彩語句及賞析



4. 格列弗游記整體英文賞析

Gulliver's Travels was unique in its day; it was not written to woo or entertain. It was an indictment, and it was most popular among those who were indicted — that is, politicians, scientists, philosophers, and Englishmen in general. Swift was roasting people, and they were eager for the banquet.Swift himself admitted to wanting to "vex" the world with his satire, and it is certainly in his tone, more than anything else, that one most feels his intentions. Besides the coarse language and bawdy scenes, probably the most important element that Dr. Bowdler deleted from the original Gulliver's Travels was this satiric tone. The tone of the original varies from mild wit to outright derision, but always present is a certain strata of ridicule. Dr. Bowdler gelded it of its satire and transformed it into a children's book.After that literary operation, the original version was largely lost to the common reader. The Travels that proper Victorians bought for the family library was Bowdler's version, not Swift's. What irony that Bowdler would have laundered the Travels in order to get a version that he believed to be best for public consumption because, originally, the book was bought so avidly by the public that booksellers were raising the price of the volume, sure of making a few extra shillings on this bestseller. And not only did the educated buy and read the book — so also did the largely uneducated.However, lest one think that Swift's satire is merely the weapon of exaggeration, it is important to note that exaggeration is only one facet of his satiric method. Swift uses mock seriousness and understatement; he parodies and burlesques; he presents a virtue and then turns it into a vice. He takes pot-shots at all sorts of sacred cows. Besides science, Swift debunks the whole sentimental attitude surrounding children. At birth, for instance, Lilliputian children were "wisely" taken from their parents and given to the State to rear. In an earlier satire (A Modest Proposal), he had proposed that the very poor in Ireland sell their children to the English as gourmet food.Swift is also a name-caller. Mankind, as he has a Brobdingnagian remark, is "the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth." Swift also inserted subtly hidden puns into some of his name-calling techniques. The island of Laputa, the island of pseudo-science, is literally (in Spanish) the land of "the whore." Science, which learned people of his generation were venerating as a goddess, Swift labeled a whore, and devoted a whole hook to illustrating the ridiculous behavior of her converts.In addition, Swift mocks blind devotion. Gulliver, leaving the Houyhnhnms, says that he "took a second leave of my master, but as I was going to prostrate myself to kiss his hoof, he did me the honor to raise it gently to my mouth." Swift was indeed so thorough a satirist that many of his early readers misread the section on the Houyhnhnms. They were so enamored of reason that they did not realize that Swift was metamorphosing a virtue into a vice. In Book IV, Gulliver has come to idealize the horses. They embody pure reason, but they are not human. Literally, of course, we know they are not, but figuratively they seem an ideal for humans — until Swift exposes them as dull, unfeeling creatures, thoroughly unhuman. They take no pleasure in sex, nor do they ever overflow with either joy or melancholy. They are bloodless.。

5. 格列佛游記優美句子及賞析

我打算起來,卻動彈不得,我仰天躺著,這時才發現胳膊、腿都緊緊地被縛在地上;我的頭發又長又密,也被縛在地上。。 。 幸虧我穿著2113一件牛皮背心,他們刺不進去。5261





6. 格列弗游記整體英文賞析

Gulliver's Travels was unique in its day; it was not written to woo or entertain. It was an indictment, and it was most popular among those who were indicted — that is, politicians, scientists, philosophers, and Englishmen in general. Swift was roasting people, and they were eager for the banquet.Swift himself admitted to wanting to "vex" the world with his satire, and it is certainly in his tone, more than anything else, that one most feels his intentions. Besides the coarse language and bawdy scenes, probably the most important element that Dr. Bowdler deleted from the original Gulliver's Travels was this satiric tone. The tone of the original varies from mild wit to outright derision, but always present is a certain strata of ridicule. Dr. Bowdler gelded it of its satire and transformed it into a children's book.After that literary operation, the original version was largely lost to the common reader. The Travels that proper Victorians bought for the family library was Bowdler's version, not Swift's. What irony that Bowdler would have laundered the Travels in order to get a version that he believed to be best for public consumption because, originally, the book was bought so avidly by the public that booksellers were raising the price of the volume, sure of making a few extra shillings on this bestseller. And not only did the educated buy and read the book — so also did the largely uneducated.However, lest one think that Swift's satire is merely the weapon of exaggeration, it is important to note that exaggeration is only one facet of his satiric method. Swift uses mock seriousness and understatement; he parodies and burlesques; he presents a virtue and then turns it into a vice. He takes pot-shots at all sorts of sacred cows. Besides science, Swift debunks the whole sentimental attitude surrounding children. At birth, for instance, Lilliputian children were "wisely" taken from their parents and given to the State to rear. In an earlier satire (A Modest Proposal), he had proposed that the very poor in Ireland sell their children to the English as gourmet food.Swift is also a name-caller. Mankind, as he has a Brobdingnagian remark, is "the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth." Swift also inserted subtly hidden puns into some of his name-calling techniques. The island of Laputa, the island of pseudo-science, is literally (in Spanish) the land of "the whore." Science, which learned people of his generation were venerating as a goddess, Swift labeled a whore, and devoted a whole hook to illustrating the ridiculous behavior of her converts.In addition, Swift mocks blind devotion. Gulliver, leaving the Houyhnhnms, says that he "took a second leave of my master, but as I was going to prostrate myself to kiss his hoof, he did me the honor to raise it gently to my mouth." Swift was indeed so thorough a satirist that many of his early readers misread the section on the Houyhnhnms. They were so enamored of reason that they did not realize that Swift was metamorphosing a virtue into a vice. In Book IV, Gulliver has come to idealize the horses. They embody pure reason, but they are not human. Literally, of course, we know they are not, but figuratively they seem an ideal for humans — until Swift exposes them as dull, unfeeling creatures, thoroughly unhuman. They take no pleasure in sex, nor do they ever overflow with either joy or melancholy. They are bloodless.。

7. 格列弗游記英文版的好詞好句

好句:1.In astronomy, we will find how wonderful!We can see live their own predictions become a reality;We can observe the operation of the comet and reproduce, as well as all kinds of sports stars. 在天文學上,我們將會有多麼奇妙的發現!我們活著就可以看到自己的預言成為事實;我們可以觀察到彗星的運行和再現,以及日月星辰的種種運動變化。

2.So the question is not whether a person can be eternal youth, health and happiness forever, but in his old age in a variety of common adverse conditions, how to survive his eternal life.所以問題不在于一個人是否能永葆青春,永遠健康幸福,而在于他在老年所具備的種種常見的不利條件下,如何來渡過他那永恒的生命。 好詞:微不足道trivial賞心悅目Feast for the eyes婉轉indirect 前途無量The sky's the limit 高談闊論Talk about。

8. 格列佛游記精彩語句及賞析




我盡可能用眼睛朝下望,卻原來是一個身長不到六英寸、手里拿著弓箭、背著一個箭袋的活人。同時,我覺得至少還有四十來個一模一樣的人 ( 我猜想 ) 跟在他的后面。


但是他們不久又走了回來。有一個人竟敢走到他能看到我整個面孔的地方,他舉起兩手抬眼仰視,表示驚訝,用尖銳而清晰的聲音高喊 :“海琴那•帶古爾”,其余的人也把這句話喊了幾遍,但是那時我還不懂他們的意思。



但是我還沒來得及捉住他們,他們就跑掉了;他們齊聲尖銳刺耳地大喊,喊聲過后,我聽到一個人高聲喊道 : “陶爾哥•奉納克”;一眨眼工夫,我覺得百來枝箭射中了我的左手,像針一樣刺痛了我;接著他們又向天空射了一陣,就像我們歐洲人丟炸彈似的,我想有不少支箭落在我身上 ( 雖然我不覺得 ), 有的還落在我臉上,我就趕忙用左手遮住了臉。這一陣箭雨過去以后,我不勝悲痛地呻吟起來,過了一會兒我又掙扎著要脫身,他們又放了一陣比剛才放的那些還長的箭,有些人還想用矛刺我的腰部;幸虧我穿著一件牛皮背心,他們刺不進去。




9. 《格列佛游記》的好句以及賞析

我打算起來,卻動彈不得,我仰天躺著,這時才發現胳膊、腿都緊緊地被縛在地上;我的頭發又長又密,也被縛在地上。我覺得從腋窩到大腿,身上橫綁著幾根細繩。我只能向上看,太陽漸漸熱起來,陽光刺痛了眼睛。我聽到周圍人聲嘈雜,可是我那樣躺著,除了天空以外,什麼也看不見。過了一會兒,只覺得有個活東西在我左腿上蠕動,它越過我胸脯,慢慢地走上前來,幾乎來到我的下頷前了。我盡可能用眼睛朝下望,卻原來是一個身長不到六英寸、手里拿著弓箭、背著一個箭袋的活人。同時,我覺得至少還有四十來個一模一樣的人 ( 我猜想 ) 跟在他的后面。我非常吃驚,大吼了起來,嚇得他們回頭就跑。

后來有人告訴我,他們中間有幾個人因為從我的腰部往地下跳,竟跌傷了。但是他們不久又走了回來。有一個人竟敢走到他能看到我整個面孔的地方,他舉起兩手抬眼仰視,表示驚訝,用尖銳而清晰的聲音高喊 :“海琴那•帶古爾”,其余的人也把這句話喊了幾遍,但是那時我還不懂他們的意思。讀者們可以相信,我一直這樣躺著是非常不舒服的,最后終于掙扎起來,想掙脫綁縛。我很僥幸,一下子就掙斷了繩索,并且拔出了地上那些縛住我左臂的木釘。我把左臂舉到面前,才發現了他們捆縛我的方法。這時我用力猛扯一下,雖然十分疼痛,卻把左邊綁我頭發的繩索掙松了一點,這樣才稍稍能夠把頭轉動兩英寸光景。但是我還沒來得及捉住他們,他們就跑掉了;他們齊聲尖銳刺耳地大喊,喊聲過后,我聽到一個人高聲喊道 : “陶爾哥•奉納克”;一眨眼工夫,我覺得百來枝箭射中了我的左手,像針一樣刺痛了我;接著他們又向天空射了一陣,就像我們歐洲人丟炸彈似的,我想有不少支箭落在我身上 ( 雖然我不覺得 ), 有的還落在我臉上,我就趕忙用左手遮住了臉。這一陣箭雨過去以后,我不勝悲痛地呻吟起來,過了一會兒我又掙扎著要脫身,他們又放了一陣比剛才放的那些還長的箭,有些人還想用矛刺我的腰部;幸虧我穿著一件牛皮背心,他們刺不進去。




接著,格列佛來到巫人島.島上的總督精通魔法,能隨意召喚任何鬼魂,格列佛因此會見了古代的許多名人,結果發現史書上的記載很多不符合史實,甚至是非顛倒.爾 后,格列佛又游覽了拉格耐格王國,見到一種長生不老人"斯特魯布魯格".離開該國后,格列佛來到日本,然后乘船回到英國.

