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1. 關于偶像的英語作文



My idol

My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss goodbye"and so on. And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. So many people like him very much. Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music . Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records. He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans!






1.是什麼what is it ?

2.為什麼why ?

3.怎麼做what can we do/what do we think?

4.會怎樣the effect.






2. 關于偶像的英語作文

Today,I'd like to tell you something about my favourite star called SHINee.Maybe you are not familiar with them even have difficulty figuring out what their name means.Don't worry,just listen.

Their name SHINee,which comes from the word "shine",is not a formal English word.By adding an "e" ,however,SHINee means those who shines the world.

I'm a SHINee world,which stands for their loyal fans.I enjoy their songs as well as their fasinating dance.Also,the korean singing group is well-known all over the world.Additionally their handsome appearance and optimistic image undoubtedly adds up to thier fame worldwide.

Now I'll give you a brief introduction on SHINee.Leading by Onew,SHINee has 5 menbers.They are Onew,Minho,Key,Taemin and Bling,each of who is really young.So they may be a pioneer of those born in the 1990s.

Too much for those above.And now,I have an exciting news for all of you that they've just launched their 3rd Mini Album,2009 Year Of Us and their 2nd Mini Album has recently come onto the Chinese market.So provided that you are interested in it,just go to the video shop to buy it.I'm sure you will never regret doing so for their song is so attractive.

Now anyone have any questions?I'm here to give you some detail infomation.


3. 關于偶像的英語作文

My idol My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏)32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333332626132.He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss goodbye"and so on. And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. So many people like him very much. Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music . Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records. He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans!。

4. 求一篇關于偶像的英語作文

It is bad to us to go after famous stars.


First it is a waste of time,you spend your youth time to collect star's pictures

so that you have no time to do you homework or study.


Sencond it is also a waste of money to you as you must spend manymoney to take part in all kinds of parties of the stars,that need a lot of money.


Then you almost have no time and feeling to communicate with you friends,so it is bad to your relations with your friends.

5. 我的偶像 英文作文


Jackie Chan, star of the Kung Fu Movie industry, has been attracting audiences the world over for more than a decade. His worldwide popularity today, with more than fifty films to his name, is an ongoing phenomenon. He incorporated the idea of Chinese martial arts into his film and even became a martial arts director. By the late seventies, he introduced Kung Fu Comedy and was welcomed by the audience. Today, he continues to make at least one film a year and remains the world's number-one action star, never ceasing to amaze his audience!

如果難,換篇簡單的My favorite star is Jay.I like his songs very much.He is very tall and thin. 我最喜歡的明星是周杰倫.我非常喜歡他的歌.他長的很高而且和瘦. He likes playing basketball and singing.He is very cool.I always hope to see his. 他喜歡玩籃球和唱歌. 他非常酷.我經常去看他 And he is handsome。His miusc is very good,I like《DUAN LE DE XIAN 》best,beacuse it's very dulcet 還有他和,他的音樂非常的棒,我最喜歡《斷了的弦》,因為它很悅耳 There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。 He is very obedient. 在他的家庭里有3個人,她們是:他的媽媽,他的姥姥,還有他自己.周杰倫非常愛他的媽媽和姥姥.他是孝順的. Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer. 周杰倫出生在臺灣,他是一個著名的歌星. We don't konw why we do like him 我門不知道我們為什麼喜歡他. In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much. 實際上,許多人都象我一樣非常的喜歡他.

6. 英語作文我的偶像十個詞.

From the beginning of last year I like Korea one day group -- exo, which is composed of 12 boys and men. They have godlike exists only debut 5 days have tens of millions of fans, they are pretty detached secular. But I believe it is not just for the handsome appearance that attract so many fans.

I like their songs, like their dance like them all. In my mind they already into my heart, into my flesh.

7. 偶像 英語作文

My favorite star is Jay.I like his songs very much.He is very tall and thin.


He likes playing basketball and singing.He is very cool.I always hope to see his.

他喜歡玩籃球和唱歌. 他非常酷.我經常去看他

And he is handsome。His miusc is very good,I like《DUAN LE DE XIAN 》best,beacuse it's very dulcet


There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。 He is very obedient.


Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer.


We don't konw why we do like him


In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much.


8. 偶像 英語作文

My favorite star is Jay.I like his songs very much.He is very tall and thin. 我最喜歡的明星是周杰倫.我非常喜歡他的歌.他長的很高而且和瘦. He likes playing basketball and singing.He is very cool.I always hope to see his. 他喜歡玩籃球和唱歌. 他非常酷.我經常去看他 And he is handsome。

His miusc is very good,I like《DUAN LE DE XIAN 》best,beacuse it's very dulcet 還有他和,他的音樂非常的棒,我最喜歡《斷了的弦》,因為它很悅耳 There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。

He is very obedient. 在他的家庭里有3個人,她們是:他的媽媽,他的姥姥,還有他自己.周杰倫非常愛他的媽媽和姥姥.他是孝順的. Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer. 周杰倫出生在臺灣,他是一個著名的歌星. We don't konw why we do like him 我門不知道我們為什麼喜歡他. In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much. 實際上,許多人都象我一樣非常的喜歡他。.。

9. 關于偶像崇拜的英語作文


We had a heated discussion in the english class about the idol worship.And our opinions are divided on whether idols are needed for us students.

Some students hold the opinion that we need idols because idols can serve as our role models,which will surely motivate us to do well and achieve more.As a matter of fact,lots of celebrities used to benefit from their idol worship on their roads to fame.

However,some other students think otherwise.They consider worship not that necessary . On the contrary, it can be waste of time and money thus seriously affecting our studies.Not to mention some unhealthy worship may even be harmful both to others and ourselves.

In my opinion, these two sides both have a good point.But I prefer the former.I think a good idol is just like a guiding light,which can light our ways forward even when we get lost.


Hello my name is Peter, my idol is Lee Hom, he is a Taiwan singer, I call him Lao Wang, also called him brother wang. Because I feel it will more cordial. Why I like him so? Because he is very handsome very sunny. And she sings very well, he sings "descendants of the dragon", "change", are very nice. Finally, he sings very well, speak English fluently is standard. His several advantages, is worthy of my learning.


10. 我的偶像 英語作文

My idiom is a teacher who is friendly and kind.In the eyes of the classmates,it seems that he is a strict but mild good teacher,whether when he is giving lessons or talking with his classmates,he is always patient.Therefore,we all like him.
