
解夢佬 0

1. 快樂王子英文版好詞好句,中文對照,三克油



The statue of the happy prince towers overhead above the city-root tall stone pillars above. His whole body and is covered in thin gold leaf, bright sapphire made his eyes, the sword hilt also set with a large red gemstone rays of light.


Tomorrow I friends to fly to the second waterfalls, there in the hippo papyrus stands for the night. The ancient Egyptian door agricultural god in the huge granite sit on the throne, he all night to watch the stars, whenever the stars twinkle, he issued a cheerful calls, and then it was silent. At noon, the yellow lions came down from the mountain to the river water, their eyes like green gem, roar of the falls and loud roar than


The distance of the city in the head, I saw live in the attic of a young man. He covered with paper in a desk on the work hard, next to the glass puts a bunch of dry violet. He has a head of brown curly hair, and your lips red as pomegranate, he still has a pair of big eyes of drowsy. He is for the manager to write a script, but he has to write not go down with cold. The fireplace not firewood, hunger and made him dizzy.


The cold of snow is coming. And in Egypt, and the sun hung in the palm tree green put aside, very warm, and lay in the crocodiles look around its lazy with all around. My friends are the temple of baal baker city building their nests, those pink and white pigeons side look at them to work, the side to each other in whispers.


2. 快樂王子英文版好詞好句,中文對照,三克油


他渾身上下鑲滿了薄薄的黃金葉片,明亮的藍寶石做成他的雙眼,劍柄上還嵌著一顆碩大的燦燦發光的紅色寶石。The statue of the happy prince towers overhead above the city-root tall stone pillars above. His whole body and is covered in thin gold leaf, bright sapphire made his eyes, the sword hilt also set with a large red gemstone rays of light.2.明天我的朋友們要飛往第二瀑布,那兒的河馬在紙莎草叢中過夜。


Tomorrow I friends to fly to the second waterfalls, there in the hippo papyrus stands for the night. The ancient Egyptian door agricultural god in the huge granite sit on the throne, he all night to watch the stars, whenever the stars twinkle, he issued a cheerful calls, and then it was silent. At noon, the yellow lions came down from the mountain to the river water, their eyes like green gem, roar of the falls and loud roar than3.遠處在城市的那一頭,我看見住在閣樓中的一個年輕男子。他在一張鋪滿紙張的書桌上埋頭用功,旁邊的玻璃杯中放著一束干枯的紫羅蘭。


壁爐里沒有柴火,饑餓又弄得他頭昏眼花。”The distance of the city in the head, I saw live in the attic of a young man. He covered with paper in a desk on the work hard, next to the glass puts a bunch of dry violet. He has a head of brown curly hair, and your lips red as pomegranate, he still has a pair of big eyes of drowsy. He is for the manager to write a script, but he has to write not go down with cold. The fireplace not firewood, hunger and made him dizzy.4.寒冷的雪就要來了。


The cold of snow is coming. And in Egypt, and the sun hung in the palm tree green put aside, very warm, and lay in the crocodiles look around its lazy with all around. My friends are the temple of baal baker city building their nests, those pink and white pigeons side look at them to work, the side to each other in whispers. (其回答者禁止抄襲!!)。

3. 快樂王子中優美的句子



冬天來了,寒風刮得燕子睜不開眼,他只能去面包店里啄些面包屑來充饑,拍拍翅膀來取暖。 終于有一天,燕子支撐不住了,他飛到王子面前說:“我要走了,我來向你道別,我能吻一下你的手嗎?”快樂王子說:“我很高興,你終于要去埃及了,我想你應該吻吻我的嘴唇。”



4. 小學快樂王子的英語短文章

However, I can not do. I am afraid of hardship, fear of pay. In a school clean-up, I only taught me the work, it was unwilling to help the students complete the common task of tired and dirty. Normally, also pick and choose in the labor, the lack of the spirit to endure hardship. In learning too afraid repeatedly practicing the task view. Do not want to study in depth. Today truly understand: I the usual so-called "happiness" and the Happy Prince's "happiness" is essentially the difference。

5. 快樂王子讀后感英語120字數

Today,I read with relish a well-known British writer Oscar Wilde book "The Happy Prince." Prince and Swallow book selfless,so my soul be touched and shocked.

Happy Prince statue originally stood in the city center,his body encrusted piece of pure gold,and his eyes are two bright sapphires,there is a big ruby in the hilt on his hand upon her shining.Can to help poor people,who help in the Swallow,the film of pure gold and precious stones to give the people in need.Finally,little Swallow,frozen to death,while the Happy Prince has been removed due to dilapidated.They will be in the public statue of The Little Prince melts into the fire,the little prince how will melt the heart can not afford to,people he put the heart and the golden prince died of the Swallow are thrown in the trash.Although the appearance of the little prince is a statue,the heart is made of lead,but there is a pure heart,genuinely good.However,I can not,I fear of hardship,fear of pay,usually,in learning more afraid of repeated practice,do not want to delve into,so every time examination results are not satisfactory.I hope we learn from the Prince a good heart.



6. 關于快樂王子的好段摘抄出來

1. 快樂王子的雕像高高地聳立在城市上空—根高大的石柱上面。他渾身上下鑲滿了薄薄的黃金葉片,明亮的藍寶石做成他的雙眼,劍柄上還嵌著一顆碩大的燦燦發光的紅色寶石。

2. 明天我的朋友們要飛往第二瀑布,那兒的河馬在紙莎草叢中過夜。古埃及的門農神安坐在巨大的花崗巖寶座上,他整夜守望著星星,每當星星閃爍的時候,他就發出歡快的叫聲,隨后便沉默不語。中午時,黃色的獅群下山來到河邊飲水,他們的眼睛像綠色的寶石,咆哮起來比瀑布的怒吼還要響亮。

3. 遠處在城市的那一頭,我看見住在閣樓中的一個年輕男子。他在一張鋪滿紙張的書桌上埋頭用功,旁邊的玻璃杯中放著一束干枯的紫羅蘭。他有一頭棕色的卷發,嘴唇紅得像石榴,他還有一雙睡意朦朧的大眼睛。他正力爭為劇院經理寫出一個劇本,但是他已經給凍得寫不下去了。壁爐里沒有柴火,饑餓又弄得他頭昏眼花。

4. 寒冷的雪就要來了。而在埃及,太陽掛在蔥綠的棕擱樹上,暖和極了,還有躺在泥塘中的鱷魚懶洋洋地環顧著四周。我的朋友們正在巴爾貝克古城的神廟里建筑巢穴,那些粉紅和銀白色的鴿子們一邊望著他們干活,一邊相互傾訴著情話。

7. 幫忙用英語翻譯這段話

The meaning of life is not taking care but in dedication to learn and the dedication is tantamount to have a great wealth.

There is such a story: a column in the square, the square stands a statue of The Happy Prince, he can every corner overlooking the city. The Happy Prince during his lifetime living a happy life, that everyone is the same as their own happiness. But now he realized that many people live with pain. She requested an outlier of the Flying Swallow to him the precious stones, gold-plated showed the suffering of people to share. In conclusion, The Happy Prince poor condition, while the Flying Swallow is also cold and die. Sexual charity, they lost everything, but derive immense pleasure and satisfaction.

In the world, there are rich people there are poor people, healthy people who have sick people. Between people need to care about and help each other. 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, so many people lost their lives so that we're all very sad, so all the people to do their own meager strength to help them.

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