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1. 在線翻譯英語句子,不要翻譯器

你的話讓我充滿活力,你的話促使我有動力前進,但是你的失敗讓你所有的強有力的話變得蒼白無力。。。。。但是,我尊重你的選擇,尊重你選擇你的學習,那麼在這個時候,使我們說分手的時候麼?永遠不會再有機會了,在一起就是沒有機會了嗎?我不相信。我真的不相信。你不知道我得到你我有多高興。請告訴我,我高興。。。 會讓你用正確的方式思考嗎?告訴我告訴我

有點無語 錯漏百出啊 勉強的譯了下


要多努力才能得到你。 我的努力。。。會讓你用正確思維思考嗎

2. 漢譯英句子在線翻譯

The soft power of the concept remind us that we should clear like the music, Hollywood movies, NBA basketball pop culture expansion only American soft power, is a part of American cultural strength outward expansion of the part. Harold Evans said, "as a fashion comment was interesting, said the United States people's material enjoyment (their movies, hamburgers, coke, the slang and clothing) has such as the magazine Henry marinus riwu said, 'become from Zanzibar to Hamburg consensus of all the countries of the world." but these things and don't make this century the decisive factor. A national honor does not lie in their economic index, may obtain insurance amount and mark name jeans fame, but in their ideals, they to the use of resource, and in their pride and greed of the temptation to ourselves." (1999) this view more clearly tells us pop culture and popular culture is only a small part of a display of the fragmented, cultural strength out more hidden in the deep cultural icebergs.。