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1. 問幾個超人總動員電影里的經典臺詞(英文)


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定會吃。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family.Dash Parr:這真是一個最棒的假期!我愛我的家!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys!冰酷俠:我們看起來很像壞蛋,而且是很蠢的那種!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat.Edna 'E' Mode:(說超能先生)老天爺啊,你可發福了。

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.Edna 'E' Mode:超級名模,哼,就那麼回事兒!不過是一群燙發涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late.超能先生:不!別用導彈,我什麼都答應!Syndrome:太晚了!整整晚了15年。

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength.幻影:尊重生命不等于懦弱,而且漠視生命也不代表強大。或者你可以去射手網下載《超人總動員》的字幕然后把文件用記事本打開你就可以看到電影里的所有臺詞了而且是中英文同步的。

2. 關于<<超人總動員>>的經典對白

When everyone is Supers,no one would be! Mr incredible經歷了普通人生活的總總艱難后,正欲舉起自家小車發泄,看到鄰家小孩子正在盯著自己看,于是,問那小孩:“so what are u waiting for?”小孩想都沒想,脫口而出:“something amazing!” 下面是中文 -有聲音了嗎? -很好 我可以破墻,就是不會。

-很好 -不會別上這個 超能先生。 你有秘密身份嗎? 每個超能英雄都有個秘密身份 我還不曉得有哪個沒的 誰想一直背負著超人的壓力呢? 我當然有秘密身份啰 我會穿這樣去超級市場嗎? 拜托 誰會想以彈力女超人那模樣去購物 懂我意思吧? 超級小姐,她們一直想告訴你 她們的秘密身份 想說會增進彼此關系或什麼的 我說:"小妞,我不想知道 你溫柔的另一面" 我意思是,你告訴我你是個 超級無敵宇宙天大女英雄 我沒關系 我很好,很好 不管你救了世界幾次 還是總會回復危機之中 有時我真希望世界維持和平狀態 我覺得我有點像女傭 "我才剛打掃完畢 可否維持干凈個十分鐘呢?" 那點我能體會 -"拜托?" -我們還沒訪問完 有時候我只想過著簡單生活,懂嗎? 稍微輕松自在地撫養家庭 成家? 別開玩笑了! 我正玩的起勁呢! 跟我打交道的都是大人物! 女孩們,拜托 把拯救世界任務交給男人? 我不認為如此。

3. 超人總動員的中英文臺詞





Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.

Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定會吃。


Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family.

Dash Parr:這真是一個最棒的假期!我愛我的家!


Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys!



Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat.

Edna 'E' Mode:(說超能先生)老天爺啊,你可發福了。


Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.

Edna 'E' Mode:超級名模,哼,就那麼回事兒!不過是一群燙發涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。


Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!

Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late.




Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength.


4. 求英文《超人總動員》3~4句的評價

The movie is good, beautiful pictures, the story is simple interesting.

But the whole movie what impressed me most is a dubbing: when superman's eldest son run very fast, find themselves on the surface of the water ran a that one laugh.

Smile full of tong, really admire voice actors!

5. 求英文《超人總動員》3~4句的評價

The movie is good, beautiful pictures, the story is simple interesting. But the whole movie what impressed me most is a dubbing: when superman's eldest son run very fast, find themselves on the surface of the water ran a that one laugh. Smile full of tong, really admire voice actors!。

6. 求超人特工隊里的經典對白



Mr.Incredible and Elastigirl:We are superheros ,what can happen?


Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.

Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定會吃。

Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family.

Dash Parr:這真是一個最棒的假期!我愛我的家!

Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys!


Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat.

Edna 'E' Mode:(說超能先生)老天爺啊,你可發福了。

Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.

Edna 'E' Mode:超級名模,哼,就那麼回事兒!不過是一群燙發涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。

Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!


Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late.


Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength.


7. 超人總動員主要情感要英語的

Pixar出品的動畫片總是立意新穎,惹人喜愛,像是《超人總動員》(THE INCREDIBLES)就是一部超級好看的影片。本片最特別的立意在于教導孩子們:平凡人也能做大事,同理,超人也有自己逃不過的煩惱。人們腦海中超人的形象總是無所不能、所向披靡,可是事實上,超人的生活也是煩惱重重。人過中年的超人要面對老板的訓斥,要承擔一家五口的生活,平時想要幫助人們,卻受到重重阻礙,即使到了世界需要自己來拯救的時候,他也有著無窮的煩惱——日漸發福的超人已然穿不進曾經的超人衣服啦!不過,凡是總有辦法。在家人的協助下,正義終于戰勝了邪惡,更讓人感動的,愛賦予超人孩子們無窮的超能力,而正是由愛而生的超能力最終保護了超人一家人。這世界我們不能做的事情有很多,但是只要還有愛,就有希望,生活就會有奇跡。

Pixar animation is produced in THE novel idea, loving, like THE INCREDIBLES (THE INCREDIBLES) is a super good film. This is the most special purposive teaching children: ordinary people can do big, empathy, superman has his escape. People in the mind of the image is omnipotent, superman, but in fact, the invincible superman's life is annoyance. The middle-aged man had to face the boss scolded superman, want to assume a life of five, usually want to help people, but by many obstacles, and even in the world needs to save time, he also have endless troubles - became obese superman is not wear clothes once superman!However, there always. In the family, justice, and finally overcome evil more touching, love superman children limitless power, and of love is the ability to protect the superman. Eventually family, This world we can do many things, but as long as there is love, there is life there is hope, will be a miracle.