
解夢佬 0

1. 求魔獸世界十大經典臺詞英文版

10, the "Desert hoist your gravel, obscured the sun shine!" - No scars, Aoshilian

9, "We are St. Cleveland, the emotional revenge must not be allowed to occupy our consciousness." - Bright envoys Wuseer

8, "not born outstanding." - Aogeruimu. Destruction Hammer

7. "Trembling bar, everyone!" - Akemengde

6, "Forward, you ignorant guy! You will not die this way, my king!" - Andrew Card Keersu

5. "Finally, I finally liberated myself……" - Geluomu. Hell growl

5. "Finally, I finally liberated myself……" - Geluomu. Hell growl

4. "Traitors? In fact, I only betrayed the people!" - Yilidan. Angered the wind

Third, "race does not mean that glory, I have seen the best of Orcs, have seen the most despicable human beings." - Shiliao. Fuding

Second, "Now, we are one!" - Alsace & Wujiao resistance Wang Yujie

First, "The world no longer needs my guardian, and the trauma of the earth will slowly from the back of its own, and all live in the future of the race here, only rely on their own hard." - MR Di-Wen

2. 求魔獸世界十大經典臺詞英文版

10, the "Desert hoist your gravel, obscured the sun shine!62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333236373237" - No scars, Aoshilian 9, "We are St. Cleveland, the emotional revenge must not be allowed to occupy our consciousness." - Bright envoys Wuseer 8, "not born outstanding." - Aogeruimu. Destruction Hammer 7. "Trembling bar, everyone!" - Akemengde 6, "Forward, you ignorant guy! You will not die this way, my king!" - Andrew Card Keersu 5. "Finally, I finally liberated myself……" - Geluomu. Hell growl5. "Finally, I finally liberated myself……" - Geluomu. Hell growl 4. "Traitors? In fact, I only betrayed the people!" - Yilidan. Angered the wind Third, "race does not mean that glory, I have seen the best of Orcs, have seen the most despicable human beings." - Shiliao. Fuding Second, "Now, we are one!" - Alsace & Wujiao resistance Wang Yujie First, "The world no longer needs my guardian, and the trauma of the earth will slowly from the back of its own, and all live in the future of the race here, only rely on their own hard." - MR Di-Wen。

3. 求wow經典臺詞的英文版本

魔獸世界經典臺詞中英文對照(最喜歡的血色狗男女)來源:盧白羽❤的日志剃刀高地 寒冰之王亞門納爾 Aggro 你們永遠無法活著出去。

——You'll never leave this place。 Health 我是巫妖王的臂膀。

——I am the hand of the Lichking。 Summon01 聽從主人的召喚,我的奴仆。

——To me,my servants。 Summon02 來吧 ,死者的魂靈,來到你們的主人身邊。

——Come spirits,attend your master! Slay 太簡單了。——Too easy. 奧達曼 艾隆納亞(女巨人) Aggro 沒有人能盜取造物之神的秘密。

——None may steal the secrets of the Makers! 格瑞姆洛克(穴居人酋長) Aggro 我,格瑞姆洛克,是國王!——Me Grimlock,king! Slay 去死吧,去死吧!——Die~~Die~~ 阿扎達斯 Aggro 誰敢喚醒阿扎達斯?誰敢冒犯造物之神?——Who dares awaken Archaedares the wrath of the Makers? Summon01 蘇醒吧,我的奴仆……為保護圓盤而戰!——Awake,the servants。Defend the disks。

Summon02 到我這來,兄弟們……為造物之神而戰!——To my side brothers!For the Makers! Slay 可笑的凡人。——Reckless,mortal! 阿塔哈卡神廟 Ready01 我離你們的世界越來越近了。

(01-04就是滅四個火盆)——I draw closer to the world。 Ready02 我要品嘗生命的鮮血。

——I taste the blood of the life。 Ready03 我來了!——I am here。

Ready04 哈卡復活了!——Hakkar lives! Aggro 死吧,渺小的凡人!——Die,mortals! 預言者伽瑪蘭 Ready 防護盾消失了,起來吧,阿塔萊,起來吧!——The shield be down。Rise up Atalai,rise up! Aggro 奪靈者歸來了!——The soul-flayer comes。

charm 加入我們!——Join us! Health 哈卡會再次醒來!——Hakkar shall live again! Slay 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……!(寒……) 翡翠四龍王 伊森德雷(Ysondre) Aggro 生命的希翼已被切斷!夢游者將展開報復!—— The strands of LIFE have been severed!The Dreamers must be avenged! Skill 來吧,夢游者——復仇!—— Come forth,ye Dreamers — and claim your vengeance! 泰拉爾(Taerar) Aggro 和平不過是短暫的夢!讓夢魘統治整個世界吧!—— Peace is but a fleeting dream! Let the NIGHTMARE reign! Skill 瘋狂的種子——我將釋放你到這個世界!—— Children of Madness — I release you upon this world! 萊索恩(Lethon) Aggro 我能感受到你內心的陰影,邪惡的侵蝕永遠不會停止!—— I can sense the SHADOW on your hearts。There can be no rest for the wicked! Skill 讓我吞噬你的靈魂吧!—— Your wicked souls shall feed my power! 艾莫莉絲(Emeriss) Aggro 希望是靈魂染上的疾病!這片土地應該枯竭,從此死氣騰騰!—— Hope is a DISEASE of the soul!This land shall wither and die! Skill 嘗嘗墮落的滋味吧!—— Taste your world's corruption!管理者埃克索圖斯 Aggro 可笑的凡人,在烈焰之子面前灰飛煙滅吧!(這句臺詞很有氣勢,我比較喜歡)—— Reckless mortals。

None may challenge the sons of the living flame! Ready 守護符文被摧毀了,兄弟們,殺掉這些入侵者。—— The runes of warding have been destroyed,hunt down the infidels,my brethren。

Skill 燃燒吧,凡人,為你們的罪惡付出代價吧!—— Burn,mortals,burn for the strength's。 Slay 塵歸塵,土歸土。

—— Ashes to ashes! Defeat 不,不可能!等一下,我投降,我投降。你們要不顧一切地揭開烈焰之子的秘密,你們會為這鹵莽的行為付出巨大的代價。

我將召喚這里真正的主人,讓你們直接面對他無盡的憤怒,你們渺小的生命即將完結。—— Impossible!Stay your attack,mortals。

I submit.. I SUBMIT!Brashly you've come to wrest the secrets of the living flame。You will soon regret the recklessness of your quests。

I go now to summon the lord whose house this is。Should you seek an audience with him,your paltry lives will surely be forfeit。

Nevertheless,scan his lair if you dare。 埃克索圖斯召喚拉格納羅斯 埃克索圖斯:“拉格納羅斯,火焰之王,他比這個世界本身還要古老,在他面前屈服吧,在你們的末日面前屈服吧!”—— Behold Ragnaros the Firelord!He who was ancient when this world was young!Bow before him,mortals!Bow before your ending! 拉格納羅斯:“你為什麼要喚醒我,埃克索圖斯,為什麼要打擾我?”—— Too soon,you have awakened me to soon Executus!What is the meaning of this intrusion? 埃克索圖斯:“是因為這些入侵者,我的主人,他們闖入了您的圣殿,想要竊取你的秘密。”

—— These mortal infidels,my lord。They have invaded your sanctum and seeked to steal your secrets。

拉格納羅斯:“蠢貨,你讓這些不值一提的蟲子進入了這個神圣的地方,現在還將他們引到了我這里來,你太讓我失望了,埃克索圖斯,你太讓我失望了!” 埃克索圖斯:“我的火焰,請不要奪走我的火焰。”(被RAG秒掉)—— My flame。

Please don't take away my flame~~ 墮落的瓦拉斯塔茲(紅龍) Ready01 太晚了,朋友們,奈法里奧斯。

4. 提供一下魔獸比較經典的英文段子

My son。

the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name。"Arthas"。

我的孩子,當你出生的時候,整個洛丹倫都在輕輕的呼喚著你的名字:"阿爾薩斯" My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness。

. 我的孩子,我驕傲的看著你在正義的戰錘照耀下迅速的成長 Remember - our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength。

.. 但是,你要記住,我們的聯盟永遠以智慧和力量進行著統治 And I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power。

我也相信你能慎重的使用你所掌握的巨大力量 But the truest victory, my son – is stirring the hearts of your people。

. 但是,我的孩子,真正的勝利,是贏得自己子民的衷心愛戴 I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end – you, shall be King。

. 我告訴你這些,是因為,當我的時代成為過去時,你將加冕為王。

5. 求以下WOW中臺詞的英文版,要正確的,游戲里的原話

樓上那些直接百度翻譯的也好意思拿出來 以下為網絡資料,這下面的BT 毒蛇 風暴BOSS臺詞 ZAM的和SW我再幫你找找。

BLACK TEMPLE--ILLIDAN(黑暗神廟--伊利丹) (BEGIN) Illidan: "Akama。 your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago."(阿卡瑪,你的兩面三刀并不讓我感到意外,我早該把你和你那些畸形的同胞全都殺掉) Akama: "We've come to end your reign, Illidan. My people and all of Outland shall be free!"(我們要終結你的統治,伊利丹。

我和整個外域的人民將重獲自由) llidan: "Boldly said. But I remain unconvinced."(說的好,但是,這毫無意義) Akama: "The time has come! The moment is at hand!"(時機成熟了,終于等到這一天了) Illidan:You are not prepared!(你們這時自尋死路!)(中文這句翻譯地不錯) (in combat)(戰斗中) Iillidan:Come, my minions. Deal with this traitor as he deserves! (來吧,我的手下門們,讓這個叛徒付出應有的代價!) Feel the hatred of ten thousand years!(感受一萬年的仇恨吧!) Who shall be next to taste my blades?! (誰還想來嘗試我的利刃?) This is too easy! (太容易了) Behold the flames of Azzinoth! (讓埃辛洛斯的火焰吞噬你們!) Stare into the eyes of the Betrayer! (直視背叛者的雙眼吧) Behold the power。 of the demon within! (感受惡魔之力吧!) You've wasted too much time mortals, now you shall fall! (你們已經浪費我很多時間了,現在,去死吧!) (END) Illidan: Is this it, mortals? Is this all the fury you can muster? (就這樣嗎?這就是你們全部的憤怒嗎?) Maiev: Their fury pales before mine, Illidan. We have some unsettled business between us. (他們的憤怒與我相比不值一提,伊利丹。

讓我們之間還沒完呢) Illidan: Maiev。 How is it even possible? (瑪維,這,這不可能!) Maiev: Ah, my long hunt is finally over. Today, Justice will be done! (我漫長的追獵終于要結束了!今天,正義將會得到伸張) Maiev: It is over. You are beaten. (一切都結束了,你們打敗了!) Illidan: You have won。

Maiev. But the huntress。 is nothing without the hunt. You。

are nothing。 without me. (你贏了,瑪維。





Maiev: He's right. I feel nothing. I am nothing. Farewell, champions.(他說的沒錯,我感到了無盡的空虛。祝你們好運,朋友們。)

Akama: The Light will fill these dismal halls once again. I swear it. (我發誓,光明將再一次降臨這座陰暗的大殿) Tempest Keep (風暴要塞)--Kael'thas(凱爾薩斯) Intro: "Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it. Their dependence made manifest after the Sunwell was destroyed. Welcome to the future。a pity you're too late to stop it. No one can stop me now. Selama ashal'anore." 出場:“能量,力量,我的子民沉湎其中不能自拔,自從太陽之井被毀滅后就是如此。

歡迎體驗未來……但很可惜,你們無法改變什麼,現在沒有人可以阻止我!為人民的正義而戰!” Summoning advisors: "Perhaps I underestimated you. It would be unfair to make you fight all four advisors at once, but。fair treatment was never shown to my people. I'm just returning the favor." 召喚顧問時:“可能是我低估了你們的實力。

雖然讓你們同時面對四名顧問的挑戰并不那麼公平,但公平同樣沒有眷顧過我的子民!我只是以牙還牙” Casting Gravity Lapse: "Having trouble staying grounded?" "Let us see how you fare when your world is turned upside down." 施放引力流逝時:“不習慣腳踏實地嗎?”“讓我們瞧瞧你們怎麼面對上下顛倒的世界吧!” Killing a player: "You will not prevail." "You gambled。and lost." 殺死玩家時:“小孩子的把戲”“你孤注一擲……然后失敗。”

Summoning phoenix pet: "Anara'nel belore!" "By the power of the sun!" 召喚鳳凰時:“以日光之名!”“以日光之力!” Enrage: "I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power!" 激怒:“我不可能就此止步!沒有阻力可以干擾我規劃好的未來!現在,你將感受真正的力量!” Death: "For。Quel。

thalas 死亡:“為了……奎爾……薩拉斯……” Serpentshrine Cavern --Lady Vashj (毒蛇神殿--瓦絲琪女士) Intro: Water is life. It has become a rare commodity here in Outland. A commodity that we alone shall control. We are the Highborne, and the time has come at last for us to retake our rightful place in the world! (水,就是生命。在外域,已經變成了一種稀有的資源,一種我們必須牢牢掌握的資源。

我們是上層精靈。現在,時機已經成熟,我們將重新奪回我們在世界上應有的地位) Aggro(戰斗中): I'll split you from stem to stern! (我會將你完全撕碎!) Victory to Lord Illidan! (伊利。

6. 誰有英文原版的WOW經典臺詞

Ragnaros: Too soon, you have awakened me to soon Executus! What is the meaning of this intrusion?

Vaelastraz: Too late。 friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot。 control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD。.NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS!

Did you call on me ?

Why would I call on YOU lolcats?

To do your heavy lifting roflmao! Most likely . lawl. lolcats.

When I need someone to prance around like an over-stuffed PEACOCK I'll call on you roflmao.

Then I'll commit myself to ignoring you lulz.

What would you know about commitment?!? lol! ? Shet-za lol!

You're the one who should be.. lawl. Wait。 we have company。

In ZG:

Bloodlord: "Ding!"

Jin'do: "Grats!"

The SM torturer: "Naughty secrets!"

Of course, Live strat: "TIMMY!!!"

Moroes: 'Oh dear, i've gone and made a mess'

Lady Blaumeux

Biggest hint on how to kill the boss. lol. lawl. ever.

"Yes lolwut! Run rofl! It makes the blood pump faster!"

Anub'rekhan .

HEre is a hard one:

"You should not be here imo! Sssslay them!"


7. 求wow經典臺詞的英文版本

魔獸世界經典臺詞中英文對照(最喜歡的血色狗男女)來源:盧白羽❤的日志剃刀高地 寒冰之王亞門納爾 Aggro 你們永遠無法活著出去。

——You'll never leave this place。 Health 我是巫妖王的臂膀。

——I am the hand of the Lichking。 Summon01 聽從主人的召喚,我的奴仆。

——To me,my servants。 Summon02 來吧 ,死者的魂靈,來到你們的主人身邊。

——Come spirits,attend your master! Slay 太簡單了。——Too easy. 奧達曼 艾隆納亞(女巨人) Aggro 沒有人能盜取造物之神的秘密。

——None may steal the secrets of the Makers! 格瑞姆洛克(穴居人酋長) Aggro 我,格瑞姆洛克,是國王!——Me Grimlock,king! Slay 去死吧,去死吧!——Die~~Die~~ 阿扎達斯 Aggro 誰敢喚醒阿扎達斯?誰敢冒犯造物之神?——Who dares awaken Archaedares the wrath of the Makers? Summon01 蘇醒吧,我的奴仆……為保護圓盤而戰!——Awake,the servants。Defend the disks。

Summon02 到我這來,兄弟們……為造物之神而戰!——To my side brothers!For the Makers! Slay 可笑的凡人。——Reckless,mortal! 阿塔哈卡神廟 Ready01 我離你們的世界越來越近了。

(01-04就是滅四個火盆)——I draw closer to the world。 Ready02 我要品嘗生命的鮮血。

——I taste the blood of the life。 Ready03 我來了!——I am here。

Ready04 哈卡復活了!——Hakkar lives! Aggro 死吧,渺小的凡人!——Die,mortals! 預言者伽瑪蘭 Ready 防護盾消失了,起來吧,阿塔萊,起來吧!——The shield be down。Rise up Atalai,rise up! Aggro 奪靈者歸來了!——The soul-flayer comes。

charm 加入我們!——Join us! Health 哈卡會再次醒來!——Hakkar shall live again! Slay 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……!(寒……) 翡翠四龍王 伊森德雷(Ysondre) Aggro 生命的希翼已被切斷!夢游者將展開報復!—— The strands of LIFE have been severed!The Dreamers must be avenged! Skill 來吧,夢游者——復仇!—— Come forth,ye Dreamers — and claim your vengeance! 泰拉爾(Taerar) Aggro 和平不過是短暫的夢!讓夢魘統治整個世界吧!—— Peace is but a fleeting dream! Let the NIGHTMARE reign! Skill 瘋狂的種子——我將釋放你到這個世界!—— Children of Madness — I release you upon this world! 萊索恩(Lethon) Aggro 我能感受到你內心的陰影,邪惡的侵蝕永遠不會停止!—— I can sense the SHADOW on your hearts。There can be no rest for the wicked! Skill 讓我吞噬你的靈魂吧!—— Your wicked souls shall feed my power! 艾莫莉絲(Emeriss) Aggro 希望是靈魂染上的疾病!這片土地應該枯竭,從此死氣騰騰!—— Hope is a DISEASE of the soul!This land shall wither and die! Skill 嘗嘗墮落的滋味吧!—— Taste your world's corruption!管理者埃克索圖斯 Aggro 可笑的凡人,在烈焰之子面前灰飛煙滅吧!(這句臺詞很有氣勢,我比較喜歡)—— Reckless mortals。

None may challenge the sons of the living flame! Ready 守護符文被摧毀了,兄弟們,殺掉這些入侵者。—— The runes of warding have been destroyed,hunt down the infidels,my brethren。

Skill 燃燒吧,凡人,為你們的罪惡付出代價吧!—— Burn,mortals,burn for the strength's。 Slay 塵歸塵,土歸土。

—— Ashes to ashes! Defeat 不,不可能!等一下,我投降,我投降。你們要不顧一切地揭開烈焰之子的秘密,你們會為這鹵莽的行為付出巨大的代價。

我將召喚這里真正的主人,讓你們直接面對他無盡的憤怒,你們渺小的生命即將完結。—— Impossible!Stay your attack,mortals。

I submit.. I SUBMIT!Brashly you've come to wrest the secrets of the living flame。You will soon regret the recklessness of your quests。

I go now to summon the lord whose house this is。Should you seek an audience with him,your paltry lives will surely be forfeit。

Nevertheless,scan his lair if you dare。 埃克索圖斯召喚拉格納羅斯 埃克索圖斯:“拉格納羅斯,火焰之王,他比這個世界本身還要古老,在他面前屈服吧,在你們的末日面前屈服吧!”—— Behold Ragnaros the Firelord!He who was ancient when this world was young!Bow before him,mortals!Bow before your ending! 拉格納羅斯:“你為什麼要喚醒我,埃克索圖斯,為什麼要打擾我?”—— Too soon,you have awakened me to soon Executus!What is the meaning of this intrusion? 埃克索圖斯:“是因為這些入侵者,我的主人,他們闖入了您的圣殿,想要竊取你的秘密。”

—— These mortal infidels,my lord。They have invaded your sanctum and seeked to steal your secrets。

拉格納羅斯:“蠢貨,你讓這些不值一提的蟲子進入了這個神圣的地方,現在還將他們引到了我這里來,你太讓我失望了,埃克索圖斯,你太讓我失望了!” 埃克索圖斯:“我的火焰,請不要奪走我的火焰。”(被RAG秒掉)—— My flame。

Please don't take away my flame~~ 墮落的瓦拉斯塔茲(紅龍) Ready01 太晚了,朋友們,奈法里奧斯的墮。

8. 誰有英文原版的WOW經典臺詞

Ragnaros: Too soon, you have awakened me to soon Executus! What is the meaning of this intrusion?Vaelastraz: Too late。

friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot。 control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD。

.NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS!Did you call on me ?Why would I call on YOU lolcats?To do your heavy lifting roflmao! Most likely . lawl. lolcats.When I need someone to prance around like an over-stuffed PEACOCK I'll call on you roflmao.Then I'll commit myself to ignoring you lulz.What would you know about commitment?!? lol! ? Shet-za lol!You're the one who should be.. lawl. Wait。 we have company。

In ZG:Bloodlord: "Ding!"Jin'do: "Grats!"The SM torturer: "Naughty secrets!"Of course, Live strat: "TIMMY!!!"Moroes: 'Oh dear, i've gone and made a mess'Lady BlaumeuxBiggest hint on how to kill the boss. lol. lawl. ever."Yes lolwut! Run rofl! It makes the blood pump faster!"Anub'rekhan .HEre is a hard one:"You should not be here imo! Sssslay them!"lol.。

9. 求WOW凱爾薩斯 臺詞英文版

→魔導師平臺My death is nothing The owner will be the eradication of you! ! ! You will drown in their own blood! The world will be raging burning! Ah! →風暴要塞(似乎是臺服版)Intro: "Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it. Their dependence made manifest after the Sunwell was destroyed. Welcome to the future。

a pity you're too late to stop it. No one can stop me now. Selama ashal'anore." 出場:“能量,力量,朕的子民沉湎其中不能自拔,但是他們的支柱隨著太陽之井的覆滅一同煙消云散。歡迎體驗未來……但很可惜,太遲了,你們無法停下前進的車輪,現在沒有人可以阻止我!為人民的正義而戰!” Summoning advisors: "Perhaps I underestimated you. It would be unfair to make you fight all four advisors at once, but。

fair treatment was never shown to my people. I'm just returning the favor." 召喚顧問時:“可能是我低估了你們的實力。雖然讓你們同時面對四名顧問的挑戰并不那麼公平,但公平同樣沒有眷顧過朕的子民!我只是在討回公道!” Casting Gravity Lapse: "Having trouble staying grounded?" "Let us see how you fare when your world is turned upside down." 施放引力流逝時:“不習慣腳踏實地嗎?”“讓我們瞧瞧你們怎麼面對上下顛倒的世界吧!” Killing a player: "You will not prevail." "You gambled。

and lost." 殺死玩家時:“你不可能得逞!”“你孤注一擲……然后失敗。” Summoning phoenix pet: "Anara'nel belore!" "By the power of the sun!" 召喚鳳凰寵物時:“以日光之名!”“以日光之力!” Enrage: "I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power!" 激怒:“我不可能就此止步!沒有阻力可以干擾我規劃好的未來!現在,你將感受真正的力量!” Death: "For。

Quel。thalas.." 死亡:“為了。


"It was called the Sunwell,(sacret) found of untold power,in centuried,every final of our veil. 它被稱為太陽之井,在我們的保護下存在了數百年的無盡的(神圣)能量 In the worlds of glory we thrived ,until the shadow of death are upon us. 我們的種族繁榮興旺,直到黑暗和死亡降臨 Only after the sunwell's destruction,did we realize how dependent we become upon its magic,how much we need it to feed. 當太陽之井被摧毀,我們才意識到我們是如何的依賴它,依賴它的能量 In the wake of our demonstration,I named our people sin'dorei,blood elves. 接下來(我們種族的覺醒中),我把我的人民稱為“辛多雷”,血精靈 My people turned to me for answers. 我的人民求助于我 I promise them the cure. 我向他們許諾一切都會恢復 Strangely,we found liberate in the demon illidan. 詭異的是,我們在惡魔獵手伊利丹身上看到了自由的希望 Illidan offered new sources of arcane power,and so I joined him in outland,pledging to return one day to lead our people to glory! 伊利丹向我們提供了一種神秘的能量,我加入了伊利丹聯軍來到了外域,我向我的人民保證,有一天,我會回來,會帶領我的人民重返榮耀 But illidan's gander was short-sighted. 但是,伊利丹這個傻瓜太短視了 I grew impatient.In secret,I began (HARVEST) what energies I could. I had a brief taste of true power! 我變得焦急起來,我開始(秘密地)收集一切我能獲得的能量,我也接觸到了最真實的力量 They (FAULTLY) taken from me,but all was not lost. 他們(錯誤的)奪走了我的能量,但是,我并沒有失去一切 The sunwell's essence sin'dol kept (hiden) those who sought protected. 太陽之井的殘余精華(使那些尋求幫助的人)受到了保護 Now,I have returned with the knowledge that sacrifice must be made before we can reclaim our birthright. 現在,我帶著新的知識回來了,必要的犧牲是為了奪回我們應有的權力 I have forged a new alliance.Soon,the blessed rise of the sunwell will shine once again,and i shall be into the world,the one who will (deliberate) us all. 我找到了新的盟友,不久,太陽之井將再次閃耀,那個能解放我們所有人的救世主也將降臨這個世界."。