
解夢佬 0

1. 有關購物的英文句子

1. A: What can I do for you?=Can I help you? 請問你需要買什麼?

B: I'd like some apples. 我想要買些蘋果。

2. A: Where can I buy some stationery?我在哪里可以買到些文具?

B: Let's look at the shopping guide. Oh, it's on the ground Floor. 我們看看購物指南。哦,在一樓。

3. A: Could I buy a kilo of oranges? 我可以買一千克桔子嗎?

B: Certainly. Here you are. 當然了,給你。

4. A: Will you please show me that MP3? 你可以讓我看看那個MP3嗎?

B: Certainly. 當然可以。

5. A: How much is the MP3? 這個MP3多少錢?

B: Ninety yuan. 90元。

6. A: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 上午好,先生。你要點什麼?

B: Yes, I'd like to buy a sweater. 是的,我想要買一件毛衣。

7.A: How do you like this shirt? 你認為這件襯衫怎麼樣?

B:I think it's a little tight?我認為有點緊。

A:Please try on this one.請試一試這件。

2. 有關購物的英文句子

1.All right. I'll see what I can do.好的,看我能為你做什麼?2.I'll take this, too.我來拿.3.May I help you?需要點什麼/我能幫你嗎?4.If you need any help你需要幫助嗎?5.What size do you wear?你穿多大號的?6.How do you like this one?你覺得這件怎樣?7.Do you accept Master card? 你們接受會員卡嗎?8.Will that take long?穿了很長時間嗎?9.I don't like the color or the pattern.我不喜歡這顏色和款式.10.Are you being helped? 需要點什麼?。

3. 與購物有關的英語句子

A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告訴我這個的價格是多少嗎?)

B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右。)

A: That's way too much money.(價格太貴了。)

B: We can make dow by model.(我們可以根據型號給予優惠。)

A: We have to ask for another price reduction.(再給我們優惠點兒吧。)

B: You can fourget about another cut.(不能再降價了。)

A: How much are you asking for this?(這個多少錢?)

B: I'm offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?(每件10歐元;您看怎麼樣?)

A: Is tax already included in ther price?(這個價位含稅嗎?)

B: Yes. Our price can't be matched.(是的。我們的價格無人可比。)

A: Would you consider a volume discount?(批量購進可以再優惠嗎?)

B: If you buy 1000 or more, you'll get a 10% discount.(如果您能購進1000件以上我們就可以優惠10%。)

A: I'll accept your offer.(好的;我接受。)

4. 購物時的英語句子

Words Supemp3arket department store corner shop mon'n'pop shop Credit card cash customer selection good purchase discount bargain shelves Clerk special offer two-for-one window shopping phamp3acy grocer's butcher's online shopping Catalogue shop assistant cash desk Phrases Try on clothes Pay in cash Bargain over prices Pay by credit card Hunt for a bargain Shop online Find the right size Use a coupon Beginner A: are you ready to go shopping? B: just a minute. I need to make a list of thinks that we need. A: good idea. Have you written down potatoes, carrots, and onions? B: I don't have onions on my list. I'll add them. We should get some tea. Is green tea ok or should we get the same tea that we usually get? A: let's get both. We need some coffee too. Is that on your list? B: yes, it is. Here's my list. Is there anything that I've forgotten? A: I think you've got everything. I want to got some chocolate and some cheese. B: what kind of cheese do you want. A: I'm not sure. I'll decide at the cheese counter, when I can see what they have. Have we got enough money? B: we don't have enough cash, so I'll take my credit card and we can pay with that. Where are the car keys? A: I've got them there. Shall I drive? Intemp3ediate A: do you do a lot of shopping online? B: not really. I like looking on the internet at what's available, but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I'm buying before I pay for it. Sometimes, I'll look at something in a shop, but later buy it online if it's cheaper. You don't like buying things online, do you? A: yes. I'm a little worried about security. You never who's trying to find out your codes and passwords. Aren't you worry about that? B: not really. I know that it happens, but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites, you should be ok. Even thought I use online shopping facilities, I don't think it's the best way to shop. A: I'm surprised to hear you say that. I thought you loved anything technological. B: I do. I'm a big fan of using new technology, but I don't want to sit in front of a computer screen all day. I think people need to get out and interact with other people. A: so, how about coming to the department store with me? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet. B: sure. I'd love to join you. Can we stop by the computer store? I just want to see if they have something. A: sure. While you're in the computer store. I will visit the book store opposite. I like to browse through their books if they have anything interesting. B: ok. I've finished online. Let's go. I'll just get some money and my credit card. A; thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten to get mine。

5. 有關購物的英文句子

1.All right. I'll see what I can do.好的,看我能為你做什麼?2.I'll take this, too.我來拿.3.May I help you?需要點什麼/我能幫你嗎?4.If you need any help你需要幫助嗎?5.What size do you wear?你穿多大號的?6.How do you like this one?你覺得這件怎樣?7.Do you accept Master card? 你們接受會員卡嗎?8.Will that take long?穿了很長時間嗎?9.I don't like the color or the pattern.我不喜歡這顏色和款式.10.Are you being helped? 需要點什麼?。

6. 買東西英語對話買東西的情景對話,不要不通順的語句.比如買書啊、

給你推薦一個,帶翻譯的,里面的詞匯難度大的話你可以換一些你知道的喲,希望有幫到你.A:Can I help you,madam?A:女士,您需要什麼嗎?B:Yes. I'd like to buy some presents for my friends.B:是的,我想給朋友買些禮物.A:Would you like jewellery? Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's.A:您喜歡珠寶嗎?今天是母親節,有很多珠寶打折出售.B:That's great. Do you have gold jewels?B:太好了,你們有黃金飾品嗎?A:Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chain and ear-rings.A:有的,我們有14K和18K金項鏈、手鏈和耳環.B:May I have a look?B:可以給我看一下嗎?A:Sure. Here is nice gold necklace. Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount.A:當然可以.這是一條非常棒的項鏈,原價56美元,現在您可以享受百分之二十的優惠.B:It's very elegant. I'll take it.它很不錯,我就要它了.A:All right. Is there anything else you want?A:好的,您還需要其它什麼嗎?B:Will you show the that key ring?B:你能把那個鑰匙圈給我看看嗎?A:Yes. Here you are.A:好的,給您.B:It's very nice. Give me ten like this. I'm sure they will be good gifts for my friends in ChinaB:它很好看,給我十個這樣的,我想它們將是給我在中國的朋友們的好禮物.。

7. 購物時用到的英語句子有哪些

How much does this cost?

I like this.

I would like to take this one.

Do you have any other colors?

May I try this on?

Can you cut me a deal?

Can I pay by credit card?

Where can I change money?

What time do you open/close?

I'm looking for a gift for my friend.

Please wrap this for me.

Thank you but I'm just looking